Haven part 1: On my feet

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In this part of the series I will be using a design that was made by someone else in the RWBY community.

This one, im pretty sure, would get me in trouble for using without credit.

Thats even if the person who drew this design is reading this.

So, to the person who made it, One, good job thats quality art right there, two, CREDIT TO ARTIST!!!


Now the design will be changed up a bit in its description.

If the Artist is to contact me about this pictures usage, your gonna have to show some proof.

Once again: Credit to artist!




I awoke in a hospital bed for the second time this week.

Like last time, I immediately noticed two things.

One, my lower half was buzzing and tingling

Two, Everyone was in my room

I had choosen teams EKAZ and whats left of team FEAR to join me in Mistral.

Zayne: Hey dude. Can you feel your legs yet?

Me: They're buzzing

Ayono: Buzzing?

Me: Like a fuzzy feeling

Eric: Thats probaly because your legs are reactivating.

Me: Is that even the right word?

The Docter came into the room

Docter: Alright Conner. Would you attempt standing up please?

I looked at my friends

Me: Here goes

I got up and out of the bed and put my feet on the floor.

I stood up

My legs were working!

Docter: Alright. Now try moving over to me

I walked forward.

I was a bit wobbly but Id regain how to fully operate in no time

I walked over to him and stood infront of him

Docter: Seems it works! Ive already got your release papers signed.

Me: What is this? Prison?

He didnt seem to find that funny.

Me: Alright. No sense of humor. Got it.

I uneasily walked out of the room.

I felt really uneasy

Docter: You have a Bullhead outside, waiting for you.

We went outside to get in the bullhead

When we got to the helipad, I looked over the large mountains of Mistral.

It was beautifle.

We all stepped onto the Bullhead

We were suprised by the noise it made.

Out of all the Kingdoms primary airships, Mistrals were the quietest.

As we flew through the air, I refused to sit down.

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