Shade Part 3: Second Chance

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Maliki looked at me with a steel gaze.

It made me fear him even with his mask on.

Our weapons were simaler

Swords and shields.

We began circling the arena

Maliki: So Conner. Heres for my revenge. You shamed me you know?

Me: How do you think I feel...?

Maliki: Asserted.

He laughed

Maliki: Oh and nice work taking Mirage down. Though you didnt kill him...

Me: That wasn't the point...

Maliki: Cant WAIT to finally kill you!

Me: Why? Because it will prove that you are nothing more than the scum of Remnant?

That riled him up.

He charged me and I got into a defensive position.

He jumped and brought his blade down on my shield.

I pushed him back and he swung his sword at me but I blocked that to.

I had to stay on the defensive.

I wasnt gonna kill him.

I thusted and gave him a jab in the shoulder.

Never said nothing about hurting him and his pride.

I stomped on the back of his leg and he fell to a kneel.

I brought the butt of my swords handle down on the back of his head.

He used his shield to back me away.

I swung my sword around and he blocked it with his.

He got up and tried to combat kick me but I put my shield up and he stumbled.

Just then we heard explosions outside.

Maliki looked up to the stone roof.

Maliki: Looks like Atlas found me...

The bystanders and watchers went up to go fight.

He faced me again and got into a combat ready position.

He ran at me and swung his shield and sword at me.

When our weapons collided mine were sent flying across the room.

He brought his blade up for a slice but I preformed a risky maneuver.

I put my feet up and my boots blocked it.

I pushed and his blade went slightly into his shoulder.

With my opportunity I ran over and grabbed my sword and shield again.

But now it was my turn to make a dumb mistake.

I threw my blade at him.

He put his sheild up and It bounced off.

To make matters worse he put his shield on his back and put my sword in his other hand.

Now he had two blades and I had a shield.

He charged me and leaped into the air.

He brought one blade down...

Then for the second time I felt the rush coming on.

When he brought his blade down it went through my shield but got stuck.

With the other sword he reached around and stabbed me in the arm.

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