Part 4: hard to let her go

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I was still wondering why we were selected to go undercover.

It confused me.

But i had other questions that needed answering aswell.

Such as what do we do about our fourth member.

Or what happens if we get caught.

Me and Auburn have grown pretty close over this past week.

It was sad it was about to come to an end.

I was forging a new weapon.

As I was sharpening its blade I considered what kind of modifications I should make to it.

I heard someone walk up behind me.

I turned and saw Auburn standing there.

Me: Hey Auburn.

Auburn: Hey Conner.

Me: Why aint you out singin? Its that time you usually do that.

Auburn rubbed her arm.

Auburn: I broke my guitars strings.

Me: You can use mine if you want.

Auburn: No no. Its cool. Hey. Can we talk?

Me: Sure...

She walked over to her and Lunas tent.

Luna seemed to be absent at the time.

We sat down on her bed.

Any guy would be thinking at this moment, "Go for it".

I wasnt leaving this tent without being able to say I tried.

Me: So what is it you wanted to talk about?

Auburn: You may or may not of heard but I am getting a transfer.

I was saddened to hear this.

Auburn: Not by my own will, obviously. A high-ranking Mistral Medical Division heard about my skill in comforting the wounded and dying. They went to the new high leader and asked him for someone like me and Luna. But Instead of someone like me and Luna, they are sending me and Luna.

Me: When do you leave?

Auburn: Tomorrow morning...

Both of our ears dropped.

I left for my mission tomorrow.

Auburn: If you ever get the chance... Will you promise you'll come visit me?

Any man would be ecstatic if a girl asked him that.

I was driven deeper into sadness by it.

Honestly, I knew from the start that I would die on this mission.

Why should I make a promise I know I cant keep?

I did what any reasonable man would do.

Me: I promise... Above demand, I promise.

Auburn: Thank you.

I told myself to go for it since this would be my last opportunity to see her for a long time or forever.

She reached up and kissed me.

I guess i didnt have to.

We stayed like this for a minute.

It was the first time I had ever kissed a girl.

Even lay my hands on one in this fashion.

Then she put her hand around my waist.

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