Menagerie Part 1: My lovely siblings

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I stepped off the boat and on to the wooden dock.

I embraced the sunlight with a stretch.

I took my coat and put it on and buttoned it at the top to make my shoulders seem broader.

I also slipped on my gloves.

I picked my bag up and walked home.


It felt good being back here.

I wanted to take my boots off and run my feet through the warm, ever so soft sand.

I gazed around at the houses.

Most were small and bunched up.

Menagerie was a crowded area, but thats why I loved it.

The Faunus are my home and Menagerie is the home of the Faunus.

I saw kids playing in the road.

I looked around at the shop tents and shacks that were set up.

I looked over and saw a man in a shop looking at me.

I reconized him.


One of my old friends.

Jek: No way. Conner! Is that you!

Jek came out of his tent and ran up to me and we hugged.

Me: Yup. Im back!

Jek: I thought you joined the Fang?

Me: It... Didn't work out...

Jek: Ah who cares! Look at you! You look like a regular Huntsman!

He looked at my weapon which was in Gladius form and on my belt.

Jek: You have a weapon like one too! Can I see it?

I pulled it out and clicked the button on it.

It fully unfolded into its broadsword form.

Jek: Thats amazing! What's its name?

Me: Its... Name?

Jek: Everyone names their weapon!

Me: I never thought about it.

Jek: Oh! And I have a present just for you!

He ran into his shop tent and came out with a small dust vile.

The dust was in dusted form and was white.

It let off a particle effect.

Jek: I know how you love the usage of dust, so I got hands on one of the rarest kinds! Atlas calls it "Phase" Dust.

Me: Phase Dust?

Jek nodded

Jek: They say It can be used to break yourself away from our dimension!

Me: Thats a terrifying thought...

He seemed to have noticed something.

Jek: Wait a minute. What happend to your accent? Dont all natural born Aeailios's have it?

Me: They do. I worked on a new voice so people in the mainland had an idea of what I'm saying.

Jek: Well you sound like an average Vacouan.

I took up my old accent and language.

Me: Oblitus sum, non videtur hereditatem meam, Jek.

Jek: I don't understand your language dude.

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