Menagerie Part 5: Confidence

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I held my abdomen tightly.

It hurt like hell having your ribs broken.

My Father, Janus is his name, rushed to our side.

Janus: Adrian? You okay?

Adrian coughed

Adrian: Im good! Lets help Conner get inside.

They both ran over and threw my arms around their shoulders.

Me: Agh... That hurts...

Janus: It will son. It will.

I started feeling dizzy.

Adrian: You okay Conner?

Janus inspected me

Janus: Concussion. It looks bad.

Right after that I passed out.

I awoke in my bed with my head spinning.

I tried sitting up but when I did I felt a sharp pain.

My door opened and Adrian and Janus came in.

I smiled

Me: Dad...

Janus put his hand on my shoulder

Janus: Conner. How are you feeling?

Me: Like shit.

Janus chuckled.

Janus: Youve grown quite a bit. Adrian has kept me updated on everything thats been happening.

I sighed.

Me: Even the Fang?

Janus pat my arm

Janus: Joining the Fang is noble. But I was right when I said the Fang was bad news.

Adrian: They only bring trouble.

Janus: Tell me son, why you dont want to head back to Shade?

I sighed

Me: Im not good enough...

Janus laughed.

Janus: Yet you attacked a Bloodgazer head on? It takes multiple squads of elite Huntsmen to be able to slay one of that level.

He sighed.

Janus: Im a Huntsman. My father was a Huntsman. His father before him was a Huntsman, though it wasnt a title back in those days. We all thought we weren't good enough to be warriors. Look at us now!

He pat my shoulder and got up.

Janus: Shade is the most difficult academy to go through but I believe you can do it. And if they figure out your intentions of coming there and put you in prison, guess who will be blowing holes in the walls.

I laughed

Janus: Head back to Shade. Become a Huntsman.

He paused

Janus: Oh and the Alpha is calling a meeting today in light of the recent events.

Him and Adrian left the room and shut the door


I headed to the meeting house that morning.

It hurt my ribs to walk but I kept going.

The meeting house is a large circular building that is used by the council.

We walked up to it along with a scattered crowd of Aeailios Faunus.

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