Menagerie Part 4: Trail of blood

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*Four days later*

Me, Adrian, Jacqueline, and Malis walked down to the docks.

I told them about Nebula taking a Vacation to Menagerie.

Of course Jacqueline was all pumped up because she wanted to meet her and find so many ways to embaress me.

We stood in the sand that was before the dock.

Jacqueline: So Connie! You exited that your girlfriends coming?

Malis: One of them atleast.

Me: Conner. And to answer your question, yes and no.

Adrian: Notice he didn't correct the girlfriend part.

Jacqueline: Why so?

Me: Im excited because she's one of the best people I know. No because your here to see her.

We saw her boat approaching in the distance.

It was a large sea liner yacht.

When it anchored its bridge extended and touched down on the wooden dock.

A bunch of people I didnt reconize stepped off.

Nebula was one of the last to step foot on the dock.

She had her Sister behind her so that spelled bad news for us.

When Nebula saw me her eyes lit up and she ran at me and threw her arms around my neck.

Nebula: Ohhh I missed you so much Conner! Hows your break been?

Me: Just fine, just fine!

Her sister was actually her twin

She had hair that hung over her left eye. It was black except for the hanging part. It was dyed purple.

Nebula: This is my twin sister, Nova.

Nova walked up to me and smiled deviously

Nova: So your the guy who trying to fuck my sister? Good luck!

Adrian: That happend.

Nebula noticed my siblings

Nebula: You guys look so similar!

Nova: Like clones!

Malis face palmed

Malis: And there is near a thousand of us...

Me: So where you two stayin?

Nebula: At one of the nice hotels. Why?

I looked at my siblings for permission

Adrian: Couldnt hurt I guess.

Me: Nebula, Nova. How would you like to stay with us?

Nebulas eyes lit up

Nova: Will you guys have enough room for us?

Malis: We live In a house made for twenty-five and there is nineteen in total. We have more than enough.

Me: C'mon. Ill show you guys around Menagerie!

We led them around Menagerie until dinnertime.

I showed them Kuo Kuano, The Belladonna house, The Militia headquarters, The Docks, The Nocturnal section, the Sea life Section and pretty much everywhere that was accessible.

When we got home we instantly smelled the mouth watering smell of steaks.

As we walked in the Dining room, we heard Nera yell out.

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