Menagerie part 3: Flashback

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Once again me and my sibs stood over the hill that looked over Menagerie.

This time we looked off the opposite direction, towards the docks.

Menagerie was a tropical paradise.

We looked into the ocean, talking.

Adrian wasn't here at the time, just me, Malis, and Jacqueline sat here.

Adrian also had my coat. He asked me for it but for what reason I dont know.

Then in the distnace we saw a boat coming towards the dock.

It had a symbol on the side that marked its owners.

It was the symbol of the Faunus Militia that was formed as an anti-White Fang after the attack on haven.

Malis: Seems the Militia sent some more forces.

Jacqueline: Thats strange.

I got up

Me: Lets go check it out!

As we walked down the hill, Jacqueline tried her best to embarrass me.

Jacqueline: So Connie? Whats it like havin a whole team of girls on they're knees for you?

Malis: This is gonna be funny

I facepalmed

Me: They came on to me. Having them wasn't my choice.

Jacqueline: Well let me put it like this: what do you find in them?

Malis: You're asking him pick favourites?

Jacqueline: No! I just wanna knw what they are like. What kind of love you feel in each one.

Malis: This is gonna be GREAT

Something in the back of my head told me she was up to no good.

Me: Individually?

Jacqueline: Individually.

Me: Well in Dew I find a nervous love. Shes always quiet and timid when im around.

I had already told them theyre names and which one they were by this point.

Jacqueline: So she wants you but is too afraid to admit it to others. Got it.

Malis: So she is a bit anti-social. Kinda sad.

Me: In Octavia i find an honest love. Octavia never hides anything and is very outright.

Malis: So the polar opposite of Dew!

Me: In Gwen I find devious love. She is very sneaky and seductive and has a speciality about getting what she wants.

Malis: Sounds kinky

Jacqueline: Sounds like lust. So shes the seductive one. Noted.

Me: In May, who is from a different team, I find a secret love. Shes wanted me from the beginning but couldnt admit it because of her team.

Jacqueline: So a restricted love

Malis: The kinda "sneak into your bedroom at night" kinda love.

I paused

I was forgeting someone.

Jacqueline: What about Nebula?

Me: Nebula... I... I dont know what I find in her...

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