Welcome to... Hell?

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(Y/N) = Your name

(L/N) = Last name

A human fell out from the sky.

Or so that's what it looks like.

Or it's more of... out of nowhere, honestly.

And guess what?

That human was you.

Yep, it was you.

Your name was (Y/N), (L/N).

(This is for female readers only, apologies.)

You groaned softly, more like you were in pain. Jesus fuck, that fall was... was... huh... how did it happen?

Then again why.

You slowly lift your head and later sat up to look around of your surroundings.

It was a dark room, but there seems to be door handle ahead of you. You take a moment to think, but no memories came to you.

So, basically, you just had to move on.

You slowly stood up, stretching and walked forward. It was dark, you thought it was night, until you pulled down the handle and the door creaked open. It was big for a door, you can fit the yeti in this room. He would be visible at least, they're white.


Back to your... life.

You step outside and the door closed on its own slowly. It shut tight, before you can even be in awe, you quickly turn around. The door edges or creaks glowed a red and white before it sealed shut somehow. You quickly reach for it in panic and there was no door, it was just a stone wall.

You frowned and turned around, there was a hill. So, you went up the hill, but as you walk up, you notice the sky was... cloudy. It looked like thunderstorms, until one of the clouds made a thunder noise and later a burst of fire erupted from it, which only lasted a few seconds. You flinched and nervously kept going.

You reach the hill, and the scenery is... amazing, but it's... not a good one.

It was hell.

Well, it looked like it.

There was houses, mansions, creepy looking gardens. Heck, one of the pumpkins were actually moving and casually talking to other pumpkins. There were also other large mansions, but there was one. It was absolutely huge, no, it was a castle. Let's just say, it looked like an asylum from the outside. Or... a haunted castle. You felt goosebumps and shivered a bit; the weather was a little cold. Which was weird. There were other weird creatures walking or even flying around. They look like.... Oh. Demons.

You gulped and looked around, you wanted to go home.

Maybe this was a nightmare.

"Yeah... I'll pinch myself even." You spoke to yourself and pinch yourself.


But nothing happened.

You cringed and tears form, you crouched slowly and hugged your knees, buried your face into your arms. Sobbed quietly, you wanted to be out of here.


You stiffen to the sound, sounded like someone was eating chips. Or something crunchy.

You slowly lift your head and looked to where it made the noise.

Your eyes went wide.

A black, red, and white demon was there. It's mouth crunching on a bone, looked human. It stared at you, it's beady little eyes.

You were frozen in fear, but you knew you had to run. That was definitely human flesh it was eating.

You swallowed dryly as you stared, you were forced to remain calm even though from the inside. You were terrified as hell.

Haha, hell.

The demon finished his flesh and leaned towards you, you shifted a little. He sniffed and growled, "You're.... human, aren't you?"

That voice sounded... demonic.

You slowly stood up and backed off.

You made up a lie, "How do you know if I'm human? I can look like one in disguise!"

You hopefully convince the demon. He stared and scratched his chin, squinting his eyes as he hummed. He was thinking. "Good point... but why are you being a human here?" He asked suspiciously as you gulped and quickly made a new lie, "Because it's funny to make others think a human is actually here! Haha! Am I right?!"

You wanted to run.

The demon thinks again. He shrugged and let out a laugh, "Ha! Nice! I should try that, too! But I need to kill more humans and eat their flesh to do that. Anyway, what's your name, hm?"

"My name is (Y/N)."

".... Cute. For a demon in disguise." He then ran off. He never said his name, that's odd.

You were proud he was the first stupidest encounter.



Take 1:

You: *walks up the hill, but trips* Owwww, where the fuck---"

???: *facepalm*

???2: I'm not even there yet.




This is the most stupidest shit i have ever written. If it's really bad, I ain't uploading my own fanfiction anymore.

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