A gruesome bite.

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Maybe they're being secrecy.

Or they don't trust a human.

You still wanted answers to why you were here.


Booth Box never responded to your question of why he saved you!

"(Y/N)... (Y/N). (Y/N)!"

You snapped out of your thoughts and turned your head. 2h4d0w was VERY close to your face, got too close to your bubble of personal space. You flushed red and he didn't seem surprised or even moved at all.

"...Glad you're not going insane or crying. Humans react to that easily." He calmly said and moved away.

"What? I mean, I did almost break down when I first got here..." You said to him as you looked away awkwardly. He looked at you for a moment, then away as well. "I see. Your human brain panicked and made you cry, knowing there is no chance of getting out of here." He said as he closed the window and looked at you again. "Huh?... No chance?" You frowned when he said that.

"Are you that stupid?" 2h4d0w looked down at you, his white pinpricks, with cat-like pupils into slits, they glowed and were most likely in a glare.

You feel the atmosphere get a little tense or creepy, you shivered and gulped.

"2h4d0w...?" You mumbled with a frown.

He scoffed.

"Do you really think I care for you? I don't. You're just a mere human just like the rest of them. I could kill you right now..." His voice went unexpectedly low and aggressive.

You flinched and got off the chair, it was a bad thought to think of thinking this feline would be nice.

His canine-tail lifted on its own and snarled, its jaws ripped open as it drooled.

"H-Hey snap out of it!" You were really scared of why he was all of sudden... mad?

He didn't even pay attention to your yell, he stepped closer and something red began to drip from under his black bandage. His ears were slightly fold back, its as if he was suddenly hungry for human flesh.

"...Stupid human, you think you'll EVER go home? HA! That's funny! VeRy AmUsInG." He said and leaned towards you.

"Once a human is thrown into the dark room and left its place, the human can never return. Or else they will die. Some human was summoned here on purpose, but they were dead. A human pale corpse, with tentacles of an aquatic squid as arms... His eye pulled off in the process of arrival, Z had to stitch a button on his eye. He lost an ear, oh... WhY DoN't We AlSo StICh SoMeThInG tHeRe Hm?" 2h4d0w was being unbelievably scary. His canine-like tail went over, sniffed your arm and was ready to latch on like a leech. Just to have the flesh to rip and taste the delicious human blood.

But it all came to a stop.

Booth Box walked in at the moment the tail was going to do that. He gave an aggressive growl as his fur stood on end.

Perhaps he was feline.

You whimpered in fear and backed away. Wrong move, you screamed in agony as this tail took a delicious and vicious bite on your arm. But, then it was ripped off by a pair of very long and sharp black claws.

"What do you THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Booth Box's voice went static again and 2h4d0w looked at his headless tail, now it just had a thick sharp knife. He looked at your bloody bitten wound. His mouth opened as he snarled, he was suddenly being protective of you. Of course, he would... but why?

2h4d0w suddenly swiped his tail at Booth Box, who quickly dodged in time. Also, carried you and sat you in the bedroom. He closed the door and locked it.

Oh boy.

"It's been a while, huh?"

"You could say that."

"Why don't I make your body suffer a few, oh I don't know, A LOT OF BROKEN BONES. Goddamn glad that your fucking dog is gone, he was pissing me off."

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"Didn't feel like saying it, felt like tearing his stupid fucking head off. And I'm planning to do the same with yours."

"I would like to see you try."


It soon broke out into maniac laughter, his cyclops eye closed tight and a black smoke like aurora flowed from it and upwards.

Oh wait.

Let's get back to you.

You were in so much pain. You bled a lot also. With the amount of blood, you were losing, you needed to stop it. You could feel yourself feel light-headed and leaned forward, fell on the floor. Your eyes went dull, going lifeless slowly. That bite must've been dangerous since you were close to death, and it was only your first day in this world. You wanted to learn more of it, but sadly it won't be possible. This was it.

Walls breaking.

Bones cracking.

A satanic spawn screeching loudly.

Everything was numb.

Your hearing was numb.

You felt so cold, your eyes slowly closed.










You groaned and felt a huge headache as you woke up, your vision was dark. They were focusing a little, to the point you realize you're in a room. But it did NOT look like Booth Box's room. You looked down and saw your arm in bandages, also... you were on a hospital bed. Everything seemed okay, well, because the fact of humans not able to see at night very well. Even if their black pupil grows, it is still not enough to have them the good eyesight to see at night perfectly.

SOME certain demons couldn't see at night either, some can, it just depends.

"Ah, I see, yer awake human (Y/N)." A French accent sounded another male.

"Huh? Who is there?" You asked, you had a bit of trouble speaking. Your throat felt dry and you coughed a bit. A metal hand reached for a cup of water and handed it to you. It was a machine and you gladly accept the water. You drank and felt refreshed and much better.

A figure slowly approached but it stopped.

Did you just hear hooves?

You blinked and looked at the floor, those were definitely hooves and brown-ish fur.

"My name is Z, and I am... simple words... the doctor. I treat my, eh, patients." He said.

You couldn't see the rest of him.

"...What happened?"

"...Hmm, you almost died. But luckily, mister Booth Box and 2h4d0w were able to bring you fast. I must say, treating an actual human patient is quite the honor." He chuckled.

You... didn't know how to respond to that.

You wanted to see how this Z, doctor looked like.

Also, curious to why 2h4d0w helped Booth Box to bring you to live.

Questions, questions...

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