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The words struck you.

Did he know that you experienced it?

Was it a dream?

You stared at him and looked away.

"That's what I thought." Zero responded again, he looked at the window.

Wait, he's talking more now?

You looked back at him.

"I sensed the book when you opened it, it only activates it's presence once a human opens it. Strange, isn't it? But it was the best rule. Since... no one here is fully a mortal human." He spoke, though, his voice was empty. He looked at you once more as his dragon tail flicked. "I got there in time before he did something worse than he already did." He pointed at your stomach.

You looked at your stomach, lifted your shirt.

A red claw mark scar.

"You were close to death, once again." He said it as if it was nothing, your eyes widened.

"...Though, you should've been dead by now. Maybe, you're a special type of...human." He said to you and sighed.

"I must say though, since, you activated it, it's able to be more around this world. I don't understand what it is, don't ask me. But, Zyphoid got attacked." He explained it to you as he floated off to the window sill.

Your eyes widened, "Zyphoid!? Is he okay?!"

"I cannot say, he's in a grave state. But I can't let you see him either."

"Why not!?"

"He's not here." Zero replied with a low voice.

You flinched at the sudden change of his tone.

Remember, he can kill you in one snap of his fingers.

Needed to watch out for what you say or do.

"...Where is he?" You asked calmly, yet, you worried.

Zero only looked out the window, at his... people.

"He's been taken away. He won't be able to help us out on healing very much, since he was the best doctor. I guess, Iraelli will do." He said to you and turned around. He looked at you and sighed.

"That was dark magic, a dangerous being is able to control it with ease. I once tried it, it didn't go well." He floated there.

"...I saw a kid's room, blood everywhere... a pentagram." You told him and he froze.

"You saw that? I only saw one room." Zero seemed surprise and he went to your side.

You nodded your head, "After it, I saw a hallway with another door, but I went for the left."

"...Strange." He muttered and tilted his head.

"How on the devil's name did you even get to that room?" Zero asked you as you tilted your head, you were unsure how to respond.

"I... really don't know. I was following Zyphoid to leave his home and suddenly I woke up in that kid's room." You explained it to him

"Hmm... I guess-"

You cut him off, "Sorry, interrupting, but do you know about Zyphoid's past of his child?"

Zero didn't say much at your interruption, but he did respond to your question, "Yes, I'm aware of that story. Why do you ask?" He looked at you.

You took a moment to think and then inhaled, "Maybe it's the same thing that murdered Zyhpoid's child, which explains the demon symbol and the blood in that room I saw."

Zero went eerily silent.

But he broke the silence, "For a human, you'"

For some reason...

You felt a sinister cold vibe when he said that.

"Those rooms are called past memories. And you can actually visit them if there's little source of energy from it. Since, you've opened a book. A huge powerful energy blasted from it and I sensed it, I visited there and only saw that room you were in." Zero explained how he got to you.


He saved your life, again.

You were worried for Zyphoid though.

You wondered where you were going to stay.


You looked around and then back to Zero, "Where am I?"

"You're in one of the guest rooms of my home." Zero responded a floating paw emerged the darkness of his cape. It floated to a closet and opened it, with a snap of its paw fingers, the clothing emerged out of there on its own. Your eyes widened at the magic and clothing.

The clothing was beautiful, as if you were princess.

He snapped his fingers.

You blinked in surprise, you were no longer in bed.

The bed was fixed.

The clothes were gone.

Zero stood in front of you as he looked at you.

You looked down at yourself, average heels, black.

You were wearing a black and blue puffy dress.

Oh, he changed it for you.

You looked at him and smiled, "Thank you, Zero!" You smiled sweetly at him. He was takeback by your gratitude. He looked away and sighed heavily.

No wonder they like to keep you safe, (Y/N).

You heard that voice again and looked around.

You slowly look back to Zero.

No... he was gone.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now