Cooking! Oh, a bird?

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"Great! Because we don't know how to cook human food."

Wait... what?

You blinked and stood up, walked over to the kitchen and poked your head inside.

The kitchen was clean and mostly brown, white, and the floor was wooden.

You thought everything was going to be red and black? HA!

2h4d0w took out a frying pan from the one up the cupboards and handed it to you.

He seemed... curious.

Booth Box just stood in front of the stove, but when he saw you, he moved away, so you can test out the stove.

Whatever the hell they did.

The kitchen seemed very new and clean.

"You guys are looking at me like curious children wanting to know how food is made." You commented as you looked for food. Hey, maybe show them how bacons and eggs are cooked. You took a few eggs from the fridge and some bacon, too.

Booth Box only watched and took out a cigarette box.

"Booth Box are you seriously going to smoke in the same room where the human is?" 2h4d0w spoke as he noticed his black & white demon friend.

"What? Is it a bad thing?"


"But the stove also has fire."

"That's different."

"...That's different? What about the smoke from the stove?"

"That's not smoke, its vapor."


"Look who's talking."

"Guys, can you not argue over a few simple facts?" You started to feel comfortable around them. It was like two guys were always bickering at each other. As if, they were your roommates.

Or in a dorm.


Both male demons looked at you, a little surprised at your response of their... little argument. "Eggs and bacon? Isn't that a cliché; normal breakfast for the humans?" 2h4d0w spoke as he walked over to your left side. He watched you as the egg sizzled from the hot olive oil in the frying pan.

You nodded, but you noticed he said cliché.

"Why did you say cliché?" You asked as you cooked, then added bacon once the eggs were done.

"...because it's a stereotype." 2h4d0w responded flatly.

Booth Box snickered at this and placed the cigarette box in a drawer.


You literally flinched when the static was heard from Booth Box's voice. You thought he was sane. But let's face the facts, no one here is sane.

You looked at Booth Box for a few seconds and slowly looked back to the bacon.

"Don't worry (Y/N), he won't hurt you even if he looks like a jerk." 2h4d0w whispered, making you giggle softly in response.

Booth Box saw that, and his cyclops eye sealed shut and he walked out of the kitchen, grumbling.

2h4d0w seemed to have more manners, he was kind and fuzzy looking.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now