Dark Magic

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Zyphoid instinct; he turned around and went to your side.

The figure only lit up the couch in black crackling fire before it turned to ashes. The figure disappeared before the fire though.

"What in... tarnation." Zyphoid breathed out in relief and sighed.

"What was that?!" You said, terrified.

"...I-.... I'm not sure, dear."

You went silent, not even the doctor knew what that was.

"I have never seen that... zat thing before." Zyphoid frowned and scratched the back of his head with his hoof.

You paced around, in thought.

It was made mostly of black fire.

...Was it...

Black magic?

Dark magic?!

You stopped and looked at Zyphoid.

"We humans like to invent stuff, out of imagination. But, sometimes we say that black fire is... dark magic." You told him as he stared at you.

He looked away, in thought as well. He stood up and stretched, "We must come to my lab and tell the others, only the ones you've spoken to." He said and went to the door.

"Come along now, we have business to attend to." He glanced at you.

You sighed and walked over to him, you nodded and walked out of the room.


Everything suddenly went black.




You opened your eyes and groaned.

You rubbed your eyes and looked around, strange, this isn't Zyphoid's home nor Booth Box's.

You looked down and there was an old bed, you cringed at this and got off of it.

You looked around your surroundings, the room was torn.

Hell... there were claw marks on the walls.

The claw marks were ragged and deep in the walls, you wondered who would do this. A squeaky toy alerted you, looked down and there was a rubber duck. You moved ahead and realized this was a kid's room. Not sure who's room was this, you felt...uneasy.

Also, there was a demon symbol pentagram on the floor with blood stains.

Your eyes widened and you went for the door. You turned around, it seems whatever was in here, murdered a child.

...Murdered a child.

"Z-Zyphoid's child?" You muttered in surprise, also, in fear. The door swung open after you said that, hitting your elbow in the process.

You yelped, almost stumbled back and looked towards the door. The hallway was dark.



You walked forward and careful where you stepped.

Cautious, (Y/N).

You shuddered, you thought you heard your name but not by your own voice in your mind.

You kept walking and spotted two doors.

You go for the left one and opened it.

It was dark.

You felt the walls until you felt the light switch, you flicked it 'on' and the light-bulb flickered. You started to realize this place looked like a normal human's house only... abandoned and...perhaps haunted.

There was a chest at the back of the empty room and there was a bone-like key, it was made of bones.

You cringed but you picked it up anyway, you walked over to the chest and knelt down. Fitting the key in its skull padlock, it clicked open.

The chest's lid slowly opened on its own.

There were lots of old looking papers in it, what was difficult was to read it.

It had strange symbols, and weird demonic creatures drawn on it.

One of them had a drawing of a portal in the surface, where your home was.

You rummaged through them and felt something hard and rusty. You pulled it out and it was a thick book, it read DR's Forbidden Curses.

You looked behind you, strange.

You felt someone was watching you, there was nothing.

Turned your head back to the book, you opened it and...

The pages were empty but stained with blood.

Claws seemed to have flipped through the pages because they had claw marks, or the pages were slightly ripped and old.

Whatever was here, wanted this book or didn't want anyone to read it.

Slowly, you closed the book but suddenly you felt the book heat up at the palm of your hands. In quick action, you dropped it back and back off. You were curious, but then it opened, and the pages were flipped pretty fast as it lit on fire.

Nope, never mind!

You whipped around and went for the door, it slammed shut. Your eyes widened in panic and you pulled at the lever. "Open up!" You yelled and banged on the door. Your heart beat was fast, you sweat nervously and turned around. A glowing red demon symbol formed and the book arched open the other way it shouldn't.


Everything went black.






You wake up gasping loudly and looked around quick.

Zero was there, he stared at you. Then again, you couldn't even see his eyes.

"Z-Zero!?" You were NOT expecting to see him again.

He gave silence as a response, before he floated over to your side.

You were in a bedroom, mostly blue was involved.

You looked at the Great One go near you.

"You saw him, didn't you?"

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now