A battle to Death.

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Your eyes widened at this and you couldn't believe what you heard. "R-Really?!" You stammered, with excitement. He nodded and smiled, "Yes, really. We'll be leaving in 30 minutes. So, eat up, (Y/N)." He finally began to eat, as well; you excitedly ate your food with happiness.

My, you look quite happy to know the news.

You paused and looked at him, was he the voice?

You looked at the food but shrugged it off, no need for worries, you were going home!

That's when you heard a thud.

You just finished your food and looked around.


That... sounded heavier than the first.

Malefico did notice it, as well. He remained silent though and the butlers and maids stood in silence, too.


Malefico got off his chair and walked over to the stairs, he looked up at the ceiling and then to the windows. He looked at his hands as they formed scaly dragon claws.

Your eyes widened, you swore that's how the claws on the light switch felt.

But you didn't question it, something was here.

His dragon claw was opened but it slowly went into a fist as a burst of black fire erupted from it.

No way...

It's moving like that Black Figure.

Your eyes widened and gulped, you feared he was behind all of this.

The butlers took notice of your fear and went in the kitchen.

The maids left to their duties, although, Lilliana stayed. She next to the doorway of the kitchen as she watched.

Malefico didn't pay any attention to you, but he sensed your fear. He muttered something under his breath and the fire erupted a larger black fire.

Someone entered swiftly inside and flung a large piano at Malefico, he turned and used his black fire to evaporate before it could even hit him.

You screamed in surprise and went to Lilliana's side.

"(Y/N), it's okay." She told you as a familiar blue cloak entered the room.

Your eyes widened, it was Zero.

Zero let out a snarl, a very nasty demonic one.

You flinched, never seen him so angry before.

Zero turned his head and noticed you, his floating paw erupted from the darkness of his caps and made symbols before pointing it at you. It glowed and Lilliana immediately formed into her demon side and spit acid at Zero before he could fire at you.

"(Y/N)!! You need to go to your room!" Lilliana yelled and you nodded, not sure how since you had to cross to get to your room.

Malefico's back grew a thick red sharp spike from his back, he was snarling creepily.

Your eyes widened, but you made a run for it.

Zero turned off gravity for you though.

You screamed in surprise and flailed your arms, "Z-Zero!?"

Malefico noticed and flung a chair at Zero.

"Did you forget I can squeeze the life out of her?" Zero's voice sounded threatening, and what he said was threatening.

Everyone stopped and stared at him.

You had tears at the corner of your eyes, you didn't think Zero would kill you.

Yet again, he was the most powerful Great One.

"Zero, put the girl down." Malefico sounded irritated but he remained calm.

"...I don't think so. She opened a book and deserves to be dead." Zero replied and made you float over to his side.

"...Is The Divine bothering you?"

"...No, it's... not." Zero hesitate but he growled.

You screamed rather loudly, you felt your body was on fire.

You cried out for help, you even begged for it to stop.

Malefico snapped and his body lit on fire, it was crackling with red and black.

Zero was takeback by the sudden appearance of Malefico's appearance. He stopped hurting you though. You sobbed and looked at what Zero was looking at.

A black and red figure, bloody red glowing eyes glaring at Zero.

"Malefico! Calm down! You're going to set the house on fire, along with miss (Y/N)!!" Lilliana called out to him and he snarled in response.

"You..." Zero trailed off and felt goosebumps, he quickly avoided from his spot when black fire was shot at that spot.

The black figure was here, what a strange phenomenon.

Both looked exactly the same.

Were they brothers?

Both glared at each other, causing an eerie and tensed atmosphere.

"------------" The black figure was too hard to understand before it launched a black fire balls at Zero and you.

Malefico reacted in going in the way, cringed, but he somehow consumed it. He snarled and went directly in front of the black figure, they crashed with each other and into a wall, which caused the wall to tear down and cause a hole in the mansion.

You trembled with fear at how strong the two were.

You glanced at Zero, then fully looked at him.

Zero felt your eyes and looked at you.

"..." He was silent and suddenly you floated to the stairs, he let you down carefully and he let out a bloodcurdling shriek, possible the whole Demon Realm city could hear it.

The butlers and maids, in reaction coward in fear.

Strange, they fear him.

Malefico was forcefully shoved off at a sudden strength, caused wind to pick up at the impact and he crashed into trees and crashed into the ground. He grunted and growled.

"------" The black figure's voice was hard to understand and went inside the building, he shot out spiny tentacle vines at Zero, wrapped it around him.

Your eyes widened, and went to open the door but a spiny tentacle shot at your hand, you screamed out in pain. Blood squirted out in instinct and it began to pour.

You just lost your hand.

You cried out in pain and this made Zero glowed blue, blue fire erupted under his cape, for some reason the tentacles moved away.

"I am no longer working for YoU." Zero hissed at him and used his gravitational magic to send the creature into a wall harshly.

He saw your hand and your eyes going dull.


She is going to die at this rate.

The demonic black fire figure launched out an attack of acid at Zero, at the same time, black tentacle shot towards your body.

Slaughtering you.

You couldn't even feel anything, it was so much to take in.

You went limp.

How sad, you died.

Everything went black for your eyesight.

You're dead, (Y/N).

"Wake up..."

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now