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Back to you.

You feel that odd sensation of being watched, but no one else is in the room.

But Zyphoid is there.

Who is it then?

After a few minutes, you were finally calmed down. You weren't in that room anymore. You were in a living room, supposedly it was Zyphoid's small home. He didn't mind it being small, at least it was a place to call home.

Zyphoid walked back to the living room and placed down a teacup with a plate under it on the table, "Careful itz hot." He warned her with a smile. He had his own teacup and sat down on the couch. He blew softly at his tea before he took a sip.

You did the same and looked around. Then back to Zyphoid, curious, you asked, "So, other than caring for patients, what do you do Zyphoid?"

Zyphoid paused from his tea and looked at you, strange, people don't ask much of himself.

He smiled a little and replied, "Well... I do like to collect old records, from the surface." He placed his tea cup back on the table, he stood up and you watched him walk over to a closet. He opened it and it was filled with those big black record discs. "See? I like the music from the surface, especially the old." He smiled and you thought it was nice to have a collection. Especially because it was your home.

You took a moment and began to speak of about the things you liked _____________________________________.

He listened to you, he sat down back on the couch and sipped his tea.

Your smile made him feel nice and at calm.

He found humans quite interesting, and boy, he found you the most interesting.

He checked the clock on the wall and then back to you.

"Well... I also like to do my job, healing others and saving them is my favorite thing. Experimenting and... dissecting creatures." He commented something.

You didn't judge, everyone had their ways of liking something.

You noticed he kept eyeing at the clock, and you tilted your head, "Is there something wrong Zyphoid?"

"...I suppose I should mention this. Whenever you feel watched, do look around of your surroundings. If there is no one there, they're using dark magic to spy on you. Which iz a rare power to use and it's dangerous." He told you, yet, you didn't know why.

"I have lost of a fellow son of mine, due to holiness and... a demon of murdering him with a certain curse. A forbidden one, I cannot forgive myself for leaving him to babysit him. So, z-zorry if this bothers you, but you remind me of him." He added and you felt saddened.

Poor Zyphoid.

You placed your tea cup down and stood up, you walked around the table and hugged him.

"You're the only one who's been comforting me the most, supporting me... It doesn't bother me, dad." You responded with a smile.

Truthfully, he was the only one who was being nice to you in a humane way.

Plus, he was half human after all.

So, your "species" was around here Afterall.

Zyphoid's cyclops eye widened and he hugged back, his arms wrapped around you. He was like a father figure to you. You missed the surface so much, but you felt bad for Zyphoid.

You wondered, who such a thing would do to murder his son.

Was it that Zero guy?

He seemed mysterious and quiet.

But, Zyphoid didn't seem angered or anything by his presence.

Wait a minute!?

You looked at him and your face was written in shock.

"Iz there something the matter dear?" He asked you, he saw your shocked expression.

"...You said, that nobody could heal me, right?"

"...Right..." He was rather confused.

"...Not even could you, so, is Zero on of The Great Ones?" You asked, catching on to the pieces of the puzzle.

Nobody here seems to tell you everything.

Zyphoid cleared his throat but he nodded, "Yes, he's one of the seven great ones."

"Whoa!? Seven!?" You blurted out surprise and stood up, backing up a bit.

"Yeah... There isn't just 3 of them." Zyphoid responded, he seemed nervous.

"I thought there was only 1 or, yeah, 3." You stammered to respond, you were surprised with this new information.

"Also, is Zero one of the strongest ones?" You asked curiously and Zyphoid shrugged, but he shook his head.

"Zero was never the strongest in the past. One of The Great Ones was stronger than all of them combined, but he knew it would be his time to retire. So, he allowed the rule for 3 to 7 Great Ones." Zyphoid was explaining, he didn't give one fuck about the clock on the wall now. He was more focused on you.

"Although, something strange happened. That being, disappeared. He never appeared nor we could sense his presence. We named him The Devil. Because, he was stronger than all of us here in the Demon Realm, you could say he was the King of Demon Realm." He continued explaining.

Strange, you felt the feeling of being watched again.

Only it's intensely uncomfortable.

You gulped and looked around.

Looked back to Zyphoid and your eyes widened.

A black figure with red glowing eyes behind Zyphoid.

"Zyphoid! Look out!" You yelled in fear.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now