Getting to know!

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You finally dressed up and such, comb your hair, blah blah blah, too much to type in. Who knows what you all do?

You walked out of the bathroom and to only find the same demon but on the couch, he was pretty comfortable there. You, for once, sat down. He looked at you when you sat down.

".... Excuse me, but, where am I?" You finally asked.

"You're in the Demon Realm, and in my... ehh... apartment. Since, you humans call it like that."

"...Okay, um, who are you?" You asked this time.

"Booth Box, pleased ta meet ya, kiddo."

He responded so... casual?

You stared and then said your name, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Interesting name you have there, (Y/N)." He grinned at you.

He always had that grin, even when he spoked.

"...Are you a Sans?" You just had to ask.

"...No. I'm a demon from the Demon Realm, this looks like hell to you mortals. But it is not, this place is different and rare to find. I... work here and out on the surface where you all stupid humans swarm around on the surface rotting the planet. And, as well, your sins are quite amusing."

(And no, not the... wrong way. Like killing. <_<)

Booth Box literally spoked a lot and answered most of your questions.

Also, offended you but, hey, it was true. Humans are so disgusting.

"Booth Box, why did you save me, though?" You asked as you seemed confused, yet, curious.

He looked at you and then to his claws for a moment. He's in thought again.

There was a knock on the door and his cyclops eye immediately blinked and looked towards the door. You also looked at the door and gulped.

His eye looked at you and he inhaled for a moment, before he stood up and walked over to the door.

"Who is it, didn't I tell you to say shit instead of knocking like the annoying bitch you are?"

You covered your mouth, you snorted. That was actually funny.

He even noticed your smile.

His tail flicked and eyed at the door.


"Open the door, Booth." It sounded male, and mature... probably in the 18s or more.

"Oh, it's you. Hmm... promise to keep a secret?"

"Sure, whatever."

"No, I'm serious man, promise?"

Silence again.

"Yes, I promise."

Booth box opened the door and pulled a black and red feline inside before he slammed the door shut, locked.

The feline stared at you, and he looked a lot creepier yet... cute, too.

He was fuzzy.

You nervously smiled and waved awkwardly.

"That's (Y/N), she appeared in the dark room." Booth Box told the male as he continued to stare. "2h4d0w, stop staring, it freaks her out." He firmly said it and walked over to you, he literally sat beside you. You blinked and looked at him, then to this... 2h4d0w, demon.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now