Creepy impasta

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You weren't sure if this was going to work.


A maid appeared in your room just in 5 seconds, you flinched.

"Oh, I'm sorry, (Y/N). You're not used to this. But you will after some time." Lilliana told you and then tilted her head. She was human, fully human.

You felt much more comfortable that she was human and female, maybe she was a witch. You shrugged it off and remembered that first demon.

You can shapeshift exactly like the person you want to be, and the voice can change.

So, perhaps Lilliana was a demon, but changed to this so you wouldn't freak out. At least, she was female. You didn't know why you were happy that she was female.

You guessed... because... mostly there's males.

You shrugged it off and looked at her, "Ah yes, I was going to ask. Not wanting... to bother you all but... I'm quite hungry..." You smiled sheepishly.

The female smiled and laughed softly, "Of course! The other servants are preparing the food, miss (Y/N). In about 10 minutes it will be ready. Oh, and don't forget to wash your hands with soap and water. Malefico is a little bit of a germophobic, just very little... And, also, good manners my dear." She disappeared again.

You nodded, now knowing a few more information about this fellow, dark magic user, named Malefico. You got yourself dressed, washed your hands and then left the room. You went downstairs, at the moment you found the diner table, a strong scent of delicious food hit your nose. You took in the scent and sighed out contently, with a smile of course. The diner table was huge though.

Long with other red and dark brown wooden chairs.

One of them stood out and it was at the right end.

Supposedly, you thought it was Malefico's seat. You suddenly felt being lifted off the ground very slightly and floated to your chair. You blinked in surprise, he was strong enough to have you lose gravity, just like Zero did with the clothing. You noticed Malefico was already at his seat, he was holding a glass of red wine. He had that creepy grin though, you found him... interesting, honestly.

The chair moved back on its own and you sat down, it moved again to get you comfortable. He snapped his fingers and the candles lit a black fire before it went to normal orange/red fire. He seemed to use fire mostly instead of electricity. But when you were in your room, there was electricity.

So, he used both ways of lighting.

Maybe he has WIFI in here.

"So, (Y/N), dear, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did actually..." You responded to his question, trying your best to be good at manners.

This mansion was extremely fancy and beautiful.

Malefico sipped his wine and flicked his tail.

A few maids and butlers lowered a large plate of food on the table for you and Malefico. It seems you two are only going to be in this diner table.

Maybe...a private talk.

Malefico noticed you looking at your food, he gave a chuckle.

"Go ahead, (Y/N), there's no need of formality, I see that you're very hungry."

You also noticed the food was what humans eat, so he knew about food from the Surface.



You jumped at the sound of a thud and a plate crashing into pieces on the floor in the kitchen.


You heard a male yelled out in anger.

Malefico sighed heavily, his ear twitched in agitation and his creepy grin wasn't there.

A black and red large dog ran out of the kitchen with a turkey drumstick. Though, what creeped you out the most was his teeth and eyes.

Human teeth.

"Smile Dog! What do you think you're doing!?" Lilliana said in surprise as the canine went under the table to hide. He saw your shoes and sniffed.

You tensed up immediately and moved the chair back.

"Smile Dog don't scare our guest."

You swore you heard Malefico's tone... irritated or annoyed. But he seemed normal and calm. You looked down and he poked his head up to see straight up at you. "Interesting, human, you have here, Mal." He wagged his tail.

For a creepy dog, he was nice to you.

Malefico nodded and sipped his wine, "If you needed food, you should've asked instead of breaking in the kitchen." He growled as Smile Dog nervously smiled, even though he had that permanent human smile.

"So, your name is Smile Dog, huh?" You questioned and went to pet his head. He loved it, and his tail wagged at the petting, "Yep! You're (Y/N), aren't you!? Nice to meet you!" He grinned and looked at Malefico. He slowly frowned. "Well, I'll go eat now." He picked up his turkey drumstick and ran off.

5 minutes later.

You both ate but you noticed Malefico didn't eat much at this point.

So, you decided to ask.

"Hey, Malefico, you hardly touched your food, is there something wrong?"

"...There is something I have to tell you." He lowered his glass of wine on the table and looked at you, he seemed bothered, yet, serious.

"You will be heading home today."

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now