Run! Oh wait...

10 0 0

You then walked onward, until another one hissed loudly at you. It looked like an insect with grasshopper heads, it flew towards you.

You run.

You keep running, other demons notice this and grinned.

You keep running, your lungs burned, your legs were aching. You were running, well, you didn't know where. You bumped into someone and slowly looked up in fear.

Black and white.

The being looked at you strangely and notice the demons coming after you from a few blocks away. Its cyclops eye opened as an extra eyelid blinks, cleaning it. You couldn't tell what this one was, maybe another demon. His cyclops eye had a demon symbol. Damn, you're stupid.

You were going to run, but something grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. It was the same colorless demon. You squeaked and was going to scream, but it clamped your mouth shut with his claws. His claws were sharp, but he didn't sink them. He wrapped his arms around your waist and wings suddenly fanned out.

Oh, boy, your first flight.


You had a good life.

Even though you don't remember it.

The demon, looked male, so, on instinct you hugged him. He didn't react at first, but when he took flight in the air. He felt your arms wrapped around him, he looked at you as he flew. The demons were confused on where you went. Although, some of them noticed, but didn't dare to follow. You glance to where you were going, the castle. You gulp and your figure trembles.

"Human, how on the devil's name did you get in here?"

The voice sounded static, but also like it was from a radio, an old one.

You hesitantly look up at the demon, you just gulped, you were too scared to say something. But also... he could just drop you to the ground if you didn't reply.

"...I don't remember. All I woke up was in a dark room." You replied.

The demon looked at you, his cyclops eye blinked, normal for once. He didn't say anything at all afterwards.

He soon arrived on to a balcony, it was stone. He placed you down gently, which you forgot you were still hugging him. He was so soft... it comforted you.

The demon coughed or either cleared his throat, which you realized it and let go, you step back quickly. "Sorry." You quickly apologized. He walks on his back legs, he doesn't look human that way, yet, he acts like one when he opened the windows. He peeked inside and looked around, then flicked his tail, signaling you can follow. You obliged and followed him inside, he closed the window and placed a paw there. It glowed red slightly, other red cracks grow from his paw, all around the window before they disappeared at the moment he removed his paw. He had paws of course, but his claws were visible. He walked over to the door and locked it with some sort of skull key.

You just watched him and looked at your clothes.


You smelled gross and sweaty.

The demon looked at you and tilted his head. He walked up to you and you stiffened in reaction. He stared and then grinned. "Human, you surprise me. You didn't try to scream."

You could barely make out some words since sometimes his voice would static out of nowhere. "...Well, if I did. You would've... dropped me." You responded, he nodded. "Exactly." He responded with a normal voice and you tensed up at his response. He chuckled and then his voice becomes static, so the laugh was kind of... disturbing. But not really.

You gulped and looked nervous all over again, wary.

He immediately took notice and his laugh stopped. His human skull nose, well, non-existent nose, twitched slightly. He leaned to your head and he noticed it was just you. He looked around and went up to a wall, pushing a brick on the wall and the wall deforms into an extra room, a bathroom. He took a moment to think and went to his closet, there were many clothing. That's when you realized, he wasn't wearing ANY clothing.

You only watched him, and he growled quietly, you immediately figured he was disgusted of your smell. Well, not your fault everyone chased you earlier.

But it wasn't that, he looked through the closet and found a red dress. And other, female clothing which he prefers not to look at. He looked at you and pointed in the closet and then to the bathroom, he later goes to his kitchen.

You tilted your head and went to the closet, for a creepy place, they had their rooms very fancy and neat. Or maybe it's just this demon's interests. He never said his name either...

You picked out your clothing and the red dress, (shoes, etc.). You went to the bathroom, locked it and took off your clothes, before stepping in the shower.

_No one's POV_ (Third person.)

He looked at the exit to the living room, as he held a small red heart, it was a soul. His teeth sunk into it slightly and later looked at his kitchen sink. He thought... she was sent here because of bad, very bad, deeds. He inhaled a bit before biting on to the soul, a long yellow tongue trailing on the side of the soul before he swallowed the soul whole, like a pill. He licked his teeth – fangs – lips, as he sighed at the delicious meal. He didn't know how to cook, well, he did. But he forgot how, he got into soul eating and it was easier but hard at the same time. (Y/N) shut the water and stepped out of it, putting on a towel.

_Back to Reader's POV_

You stayed until you were dried, didn't trust getting in the living room to a bedroom. Even though... he saved your life.

Why did he though?

Is he going to expose you later?

Maybe eat you?

He even lives in this giant castle.

You had so many questions in your mind, you needed to ask.



Take 1: 

You: *keeps running but slowly stops.* wait... i need... to breathe..

Demons: *stops* dammit (Y/N),  if this wasn't acting you be ded.

You: >_>

???: *pops up beside (Y/N) eating ice cream* What a shame.


Take 2:

3 bug headed demon: FUCK YOU, NO U, NO U,, YOU, U, NO YOU.

You:......... uh

Admin: oh fuck

???: .... they are so stupid.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now