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Your eyes widened and you felt a chill down your spine.

You closed your eyes, for some reason, you did it.

You forced them to open.

Back at the same room, but instead you were in the hallway.

"Wh-What am I doing here again?" You said out loud and looked left, the door wasn't there anymore. You looked to your right and gulped.

You reached over to the doorknob and turned it slowly.

You feel your hands shaking, out of nowhere.

You opened it and it was darkness, once more.

You didn't know why, but you felt awfully cold.

You shivered and hugged yourself trying to keep warm, you touched the light switch.

But you screamed.

You flinched and jerked your hand away.

You felt claws when you touched the light switch, though.

There was growling.

The light switched on and the light bulb flickered, a black figure was shown. It was above a wooden bed, with a dead corpse. It looked really demonic, messed up, limbs twisted awfully wrong and there were words written all over the walls.

The Divine.

Your eyes widened at this and you felt a force of getting pushed forward. You yelped and flailed your arms, you fell on your knees and your hands stopped you from landing on your face.

Faceplant, I suppose.

That voice again.

The door swung and slammed shut.

You wished Zero could save you right now...

So, you called for help.






But nobody came...

You felt tears form and the black figure's black fire like body get closer to you. It grinned creepily as red eyes glowed, staring down at you with pure amusement, but also hatred.

It seemed to love how scared you were.

A black fire formed beside it and your eyes widened.

You scooted back in absolute panic, "Please! Don't hurt me! Someone HELP!"

You shut your eyes and moved your hands up in defense, a loud disoriented screech was heard.

It sent shivers down your spine.

Then it was quiet, but footsteps.

Then it was pages being ripped out of the book.

You moved your arms and opened your eyes, you widened at the sight of a creepy, dark red looking feline.

He tore off the pages, and his paw lit up a dark red fire and burned the books.

You silently watched as tears streamed down from your face.

His bloody red ruby eyes glanced you, you tensed up.

He sighed and snapped his fingers, the room's furniture and such moved on its own as it repaired itself. As it did that, he walked closer to you and you scooted back in fear.

"....(Y/N), I'm not here to harm you. I stopped him from harming you." His voice was kind of deep, mature and he was tall.

Sharp teeth.

Black collar with fangs pierced through and stuck to it.

He had a scar from his left eye down to his neck, going to the right side, past his heart to the shoulder and to the paw.

That is one nasty scar.

He held a paw out to you, and you accepted it. He covered your eyes and then uncovered them.

You weren't there anymore, but you were in a rather large living room. A butler walked off somewhere, and you looked at him.

"Thank you... Uh, who are you?"

"My name is Malefico, and I am one of the hidden dark magic users." Malefico responded as he grinned, the grin went wide, sharp teeth. He then snapped his fingers and pair of clothing appeared. He handed it to you, "Here is clothing. I will speak with you later." He nodded at a maid and she walked towards you, offering you to take you to you room.

You blinked and blushed.


You followed the maid upstairs and went to you room, lots of rooms and hallways. It was a maze!

Malefico's placed looked entirely different than the large castle you were in or... Zero's guestroom.

The maid opened the door for you and handed you keys.

"Ma'am, this is your room and keys. If you'd like anything, just call us by our name. Mine is, Lilliana." She smiled and curtsied, then left.

You walked inside and closed the door, you locked it, too.

_Malefico's POV / Third Person_

Malefico glanced at the female's figure follow his workers. He looked back to the couches, he sat down and huffed. He looked at his hand / paw and black fire erupted from it. "My, My.... You've appeared, in so many years, looks like I'll have fun for once." He huffed and leaned back, the black fire turned to dark red fire before it morphed into a cup of tea, he sipped it and turned the tv on by just... magic. He flicked his ears and huffed. "(Y/N)... You're being targeted." He muttered lowly and glanced at the staircase.

They really love this girl, don't they?

He closed his eyes and inhaled, then exhaled. "Don't worry... (Y/N), I'll take you home, tomorrow." He mumbled as a spoon appeared out of thin-air and a sugar cube was dropped into the tea cup, the spoon moved on its own to mix before it disappeared. He sipped the tea and relaxed again.

_Reader's POV_

You finally got into your clothing, what you're currently wearing, honestly.

You sighed out and noticed a window, you walked over and looked out. This didn't look like the Demon Realm you first saw, but there was a huge forest of trees, some were red, other spiny, and there was thick fog. You looked more downward, a large black metal fence surrounding the building. You squinted your eyes and you could see a red and black dog, with creepy smiling.

Wherever you were.

It wasn't Demon Realm.

Or that's what you thought.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now