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"Zere is no need to respond to that, dear." He said as his hooves left the light to walk around you. You only turned your head to the noise of hooves and noticed he stopped, noises stopped, duh.

The lights flicked on and you rubbed your eyes. Then opened them and saw he was definitely human looking. He had horse legs, but the rest was different. He had curled yellow-ish horns and a white mask with one big cyclops eye. It looked red... as if it was needing sleep. His left horn was broken off and his left hand was replaced with a hoof. His other arm was human. You tilted your head and blinked your (E/C) eyes.

His eye blinked and looked at you, focusing on to you. He crosses his arms and walked over to the right side of the bed. He looked at you from your forehead to your covered toes. (A friend will get this.)

You looked at him confused.

Then, he looked back to you, "It seems you're quite in a good shape, you can leave now."

"That fast?" You blurted out and kind of regretted it.

Z looked at some glasses, some had only one lens for one eye, the other just two lenses for two eyes. "...Us demons have a bit of magic to heal. But yours was a difficult situation. And... in order for us to heal you, we had to call in someone else." He explained and moved both arms of his behind his back. His eye was always half shut, he looked...tired.

"...And who was this, stranger?" You asked the doctor curiously.

You hear a voice, a male one and it sent shivers down your spine.

"Zyphoid..." A fellow entered the room, you couldn't see his face. But he had 4 horns. Two tall pointy ones were black, it reminded you of Booth Box a little. The other two, were curled horns and black. He had a bandana around his neck up to his mouth, since you couldn't see it. He also wore a dark blue cape, and honestly... you couldn't see anything even if it moved to open. Heck. He was floating, it caused his cape to move slightly like a wave and other small fire particles formed underneath him. There was a long grey slim tail, with a dark grey triangle shape at the tip. He perhaps is a dragon demon.

He also had bat wings connected to both sides of his head.

What a strange fellow.

"Zero, would you like to speak with the human?" Zyphoid questioned as the being floated silently towards the bed and stared at you.

You couldn't see his eyes either.

A grey paw emerged from under the shadows of that cape, it had a white bone sticking out. It floated to you and pointed at you.

"...Me?" You tilted your head, confused.

The hand tapped your chest and then to your forehead.

That's odd.

" is (Y/N) (L/N)."

The paw stays there floating for about 10 seconds before it went to your arm. It was bandaged up after all.

It touched your arm and then slowly tapped it twice. Zero turned his head to the centaur demon, which he nodded and unwrapped the bandages from your arm.

Yikes, it had a nasty bite mark but no...blood.

That's awfully strange.

"It seems, that canine had left you a nasty mark. Zorry for that, dear. Also, do you feel light headed or anything of sortz?" He asked, his voice sometimes used the "Z" sound instead of the "S" sound. Maybe, that's why they call him Z or Zyphoid.

Demon Realm x Reader (FEMALE) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now