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Some days before my birthday, Tae-hyung called me to tell me that he managed to have a day off on my birthday and that he could come to Germany, if I had some time. I replied that I would try to see what I could do and would tell him about it later. I then had to go to work so I hung up...

There, I spent the whole day thinking about how would I ask for some days off. It was then finally time for me to go home and I had no choice: it was also time to talk to my supervisor, so I took a deep breath and went to his office. I was really tensed and when he saw me, he asked:

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... hmm... Can I ask you something?" I stammered.

"Of course. But calm down first!" he kindly replied.

I took another deep breath and said: "Well... I was wondering if... it was possible for me to get some days off? My birthday is soon and..."
I did not know if I should tell the truth or not,😕 but I finally went for the truth: "My boyfriend wanted to meet me on that day as it has been a really long time since we last met..."
I was completely panicked.

He laughed at me and then said: "And that was what you wanted to tell me that made you stress so much?😂 I thought it was something more serious. For some seconds, I even thought you were leaving the internship..."

I nodded hesitantly and he continued: "Listen... you're one of our best interns. You learn really fast and I can see how much you love being here... So don't be afraid to ask for some days off."

"You're allowing me to have some then?" I asked, surprised.

"Of course I am! But I don't understand why you need some days only to spend a day with your boyfriend.🤔"

I felt relieved and really happy.
"Ohh thank you sir... Yeah.. hmm... in fact I have to go to Korea.😅 My boyfriend lives there so I need at least 3 days off." I told him.

He remained silent with shock for some time and then replied: "Korea! Wow... and when did you last meet him?"

"1st of January." I replied sadly.
That day seemed so far away.😪

"Well... then I'm giving you a whole week off. Go and spend some time with him!😊" he said with a huge smile.

I was overwhelmed with joy and exclaimed: "Really?! Thank you so much!"

He smiled at me and I thanked him again before leaving. I rushed home to announce the good news to Tae...

I was so excited that I completely forgot about the time difference and called him. He answered with a half asleep voice and it was at that instant that I realised it was 02 00 at his place.😅 I excused myself and then told him: "Well... I talked to my supervisor and..."

I took a small pause then exclaimed: "He gave me a whole week off!"

Tae's sleep suddenly faded away and he shouted: "What?!!!" and then added: "Then you can come to Korea?"

"Yes I can😋" I replied excitedly.

"That's good news. How did you convince him?"

"I told him the truth and he replied that I'm one of the best interns there and that he saw how much I love that job so he doesn't mind to give me some days off.😌" I told him, proud of having given such a good impression.

"That's why I love you! You're amazing!" he replied, subtly flirting with me.

I laughed and told him that I love him too. I then hung up to let him go back to sleep.

Two Worlds Apart, Connected With One Soul [✔]Where stories live. Discover now