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"Come on Percy." Cam grabbed my hand and drug me out the door.

As soon as we were by the stairs, I yanked my hand away, glaring at him.

"Are you forgetting that me touching you could kill you?"

"I'll be fine. You worry too much." A grin crossed his face. "Besides, I thought we might hit the gym or something."

"If I wanted to train, there's plenty of gangs in the city." I rolled my eyes and went to push past him but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

"Something's wrong. There's something you aren't telling me."

I forced a smile, ignoring the lump in my throat. "I don't keep stuff from you Cam. We're best friends."

His eyes seemed to sadden but I guess he has known me long enough to catch on to my lies.

"How about we...go to the park? I heard there's going to be some street performers there." I suggested trying  to take his mind off of it.

"That sounds like fun. And we might be able to make a perfomance of our own if you know what I mean?"

I nodded and started down the stairs.

My hand trailed along the railing, no frost being left behind.

"So are you finally getting control over it or-"

"I can control it just fine, it's when I'm tired that it starts slipping." I didn't look back at him.

"If you say so." He mumbled.

I whipped around and pushed him against the wall. "Yes, I say so because I can control it. I had to learn how to pretty fast unless I wanted to die."

Sighing I let go of him and walked out into the entranceway.

Then I walked out onto the street, speed-walking towards the park.

But, thanks to his longer stride, Cam easily caught up. Not to say I spoke to him. Cause I didn't.

"Come on, don't give me the cold shoulder. It's not very ice."

I didn't even chuckle, the air around me cooling rapidly.

"Uh...Your skin is starting to change...you didn't have enough heat did you?!"

I ducked into an alley pulling up my sleeve so I could see how fast it was happening.

This is bad...I knew I was running low, mainly why I was keeping such a careful check on my powers, but I didn't realize it was this bad.

That shows how low I always run though.

Cam grabbed my sleeve and yanked it back down. Then he pulled off his hoodie and handed it to me.

"Put that on." His eyes drilled into mine.

I opened my mouth to protest but he glared at me and I slipped it on.

"I need to find someone who won't mind losing some heat." My shoulders dropped when I pulled out my compact, only to see the blue had already reached my face.

"Percy..." He offered me a hand.

"I've told you I'm not taking any of your heat. Let's just go to the park, I'll have better luck there anyway."

I walked away from him again, the hood pulled up over my head and hands shoved in the pocket.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders and I looked up at Cam.

"What did I-"

"Technically I'm not touching you. And if anyone shows up, you're not in any shape to defend yourself."

"Ice isn't the only thing I can do."

"You keep saying that but I've never actually seen you do anything else."

I bit my lip and leaned into him. "Fine, you can come."

"I love how you think I wouldn't."

When we arrived in the park, a crowd had already gathered around the performers.

I broke away from Cam and pushed through the crowd, hand brushing against random people.

When I could finally see, my heart stopped.

Thalia pulled back the string of her bow, releasing two arrows that knocked four apples out of the air.

Well, this is bad.

I started to back up, stopping when hands grabbed my arms.

"Pretty sure we're gonna have to fight." Cam mumbled.

I nodded as Thalia looked towards us, her eyes widening when she saw me.


I sighed and waved my hand, ice forming a barrier between us.

Then I looked at Cam. "Run."

The two of us took off, throwing ice backwards to slow them down.

But I know it won't stop Nico.

"We need to split up. Meet back up at the movie theatre." I glanced over at Cameron, noticing ice had formed around his face.

"Which one?"

"Just go to one!" I veered off into an alley, coming out on another street and heading back towards the parks.

Hopefully this will throw them off.

That hope was short lived though when I came face to face with my cousins.

"Blizzard." Electricity sparked around Thalia's hands.

A smirk twisted my features and I raised my hand. "You could make this a lot easier on me if you just leave me alone."

"You hurt people and we can't let you do that."

I pressed my lips together. Snow started to swirl through the air.

"Guess you guys didn't really think this through." Ice began to coat the ground and they took a few steps backward.

The few flurries started to multiply, winds picking up.

My powers complement each other. I can create full out blizzards easier than Mom.

And once the snow is formed...I can sustain them for longer too.

I was about to disappear into my storm but...

A roar could be heard above the howling of my storm.

I've got a two hour delay tomorrow


I don't know what that means aside from I'll have to carry most of my stuff around all day.


How do you think this will play out?

(I also have 2 of the 3 possible books up so check those out please)

See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now