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I lounged on the couch, Cam sitting on the floor below me.

"So...what are our plans until they get the school fixed?" He looked back at me.

I sighed. "No idea. I'm pretty sure those heroes aren't going to give up on capturing me on anytime soon."

Cam turned so he could prop himself up on the couch. "We could always kill them."

I rolled my eyes and flicked him. "You know I don't like killing people. Besides, I know who KF is and Aqualad and we both know Artemis."

"I get how you know Kid Flash, but how do you know Fish Boy?"

"I'm friends with a girl who knows him. But-" I shrieked as he pulled me off of the couch and onto him.

"I didn't actually want an answer." He laughed. "How about I...do your hair?"

"You'll tie it in knots."

"No I won't. I used to braid Artemis's all the time."

I sighed and sat up. "Fine."


Cam ran his fingers through my hair. I relaxed as he braided my hair, a small smile settling over my face.

That didn't last very long.

"Hey brat." An IM sparkled into existence, showing the face of my dear older brother Triton.

I groaned and tried to dismiss the message, but I couldn't get control of the mist making it.

"Yeah good try. Listen, you know I want you dead. But Father said he'd ground me if I didn't warn you about our cousins coming to pummel you. So...consider yourself warned." He lifted a hand to slice through the message, but I could hear Dad yell something at him.

Triton scowled. "I just did! And why should I- I'm not doing that Father!"

"What's he want you to do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He wants us to 'spend some time together'. Not doing it. Have a fun time getting beat up."

He sliced through the message. Leaving me with one very confused boyfriend I have to lie to.

"What the actual-"

"My half brother can send messages like that. Our dad probably had some sort of power or something weird. Now if you excuse me, I have to go make sure I am in a place where my cousins won't stain the carpet." I blew him an air kiss, not wanting to risk killing him. "Plus I need some heat."

"How much?"

"Cam, I told you I'm not going to-"

"How much heat do you need?" He asked again.

I sighed. "Not a lot, just enough to hold me over until dinner."

Cam stood and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Babe, you know I'm more than willing to let you use me like a heater."

"And the last kid I let do that, is dead. So excuse me if I don't want to kill my boyfriend in-" I was cut off as Cam pulled me into a kiss.

He held me tight, keeping me from pushing him away until he was shivering.

"There, I'm not dead and you have some of the heat you need."

"You can still die if you don't get yourself warmed up." I said.

"Two things. One, my DNA is altered for the cold. Two, you need heat to survive. Now go keep your cousins from hurting you."

I sighed. "Fine. Don't die."

"Love you too!" He yelled as I shut the door.

I chuckled and walked out onto the street. I ended up heading to the park and leaning back against a tree so Nico shouldn't shadow travel directly behind me.

Sighing, I leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

The sun warmed my face. The warmth disappeared and I cracked open an eye to see if it was a cloud. But it was Thalia and Nico.

I groaned and stood up. "What do you guys want?"

Thalia's hand wrapped around the front of my shirt and she slammed me into the tree.

"Why the Hades-" She paused to glare at Nico who had opened his mouth to protest at her choice of words. "Wouldn't you tell us you know Blizzard?!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Thalia's arm, then swinging my feet into her stomach.

She released me with a grunt, allowing me to get away from the tree.

"I didn't tell you, because I don't even want to try to capture her."

"And why not?" Nico growled.

"I know Kid Flash told you, so get this through your thick skulls. She needs heat to survive! If she doesn't absorb heat from something living, she will die. All she's trying to do is live, how is that any different than what we do? And half of the crimes she and her mom commit? They're trying to find a way to supply themselves with heat."

"She's still committing crimes!" Nici yelled.

"And yet ask half the people in this city and I guarentee they know at least one story of her protecting people. If I get attacked, I can count on her to show up and help. Also. Her mom makes the best regular chocolate chip cookies in the world."

"And you know that how?"

I chuckled. "Cookie trades. We each trade a container. The monster cookies are super good. And-"

"When's the next one?" Thalia asked, crossing her arms.

I snorted. "Like I'd tell you guys. But I have a message for that team you're on. The next time you go after Blizzard..." I narrowed my eyes at my cousins. "You're going to have to fight me too."

Okay so tennis killed me today

Like literally killed me

I had to take a break because my back was killing me and when I told my coach I couldn't play another set she's like why

And I'm like my back hurts

I also was trying to do what the other coach showed us and then coach said something

And I'm like I don't know how to do that

And she's like you cant keep using that as an excuse

And I'm like

I hate admitting I don't know how to do something.

And the only time I've said something close is when shes like keep doing what you're doing

And I'm like I have no idea how I'm doing stuff


Here's the roulette chapter

And I'm going to go soak in the bathtub for s few hours

See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now