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Let me just say...crap. I'll say it again. Crap

I froze in place, not wanting to risk Nico's life.

He's unconscious and...Wonder Woman would kill me!

The Joker cackled and slowly stepped backwards, Nico's feet dragging as they neared the exit.

"That's right, don't risk the-"

Water flowed around him, wrapping around the Joker's arm.

"What? Call in the Fish Face?" He said,  lips pulling back in an even larger grin.

I stared past him. No sign of Kaldur...plus I didn't-

The water surrounded the knife before flying across the room.

"Don't make threats. It's not nice." A figure stepped out from behind some crates, hands in their pockets, face hidden by the shadow of their hood.

"How many brats did you guys get?!"

"I'm not with them, but-" they waved their hand and more water flew at the Joker. "-I know you shouldn't threaten him."

He dodged out of the way, water making a sharp turn to hit him.

Nico practically flew out of his hold and I rushed to catch him.

He hit me full force, knocking me to the ground.

"You two okay?" The figure glanced at me, oblivious to the madman charging.

"Look out!" I yelled, but not fast enough because-

The Joker was on the ground unconscious, the figure's foot planted firmly on his back.

"Okay, guess I'll ask again. You two okay?"

I pressed my lips together and stood up, hauling Nico with me. "I'm fine. Not sure about goth boy here."

The figure nodded and pulled down their hood.

"Uh...I feel like I know you from somewhere. You're Wonder Woman's cousin...Percy?"

She nodded and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Yep. I saw you guys come in here and knowing Death Breath, there was going to be trouble."

I stared at her for a few seconds before shaking my head. "From what your cousins say, that's usually you."

Percy smirked. "What can I say? The gods just love me."

She sighed. "Listen, watch out for my cousins would you? I...I don't want them to get hurt. Sure they're both technically older but...just make sure they don't do anything stupid."

"You know, you could always join." I said.

"No, I can't. It's dangerous enough for the two of them to be together. If I joined, I would just be putting all of you guys in danger."

"We can take care of ourselves." Nico woke up, groggy. "You know that."

Percy smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I know. I'm not joining." She turned around and walked away, leaving me to deal with Nico.

"Hey Rob, Joker's out cold if you want Bats to come pick him up." I said over the com.

"I'll call him. See you at the Cave?"

"You know it."

I looked down at Nico. "Now how are we getting you back?"

"It's called we walk."

Smirking I lifted him over my shoulder. "Nope. It's called I run."


I sighed and picked up my cape. "You okay Mom?"

She nodded, no longer shivering. "We might want to get home quickly. With this many people..."

I pulled off the hoodie and dropped it back on the one girl, whose heat I drained. "Guessing you called-"

My question was answered as I heard sirens.

I grabbed Mom and pulled her through the alley.

Any other time the police take forever. But no, the one time Mom calls and they have to show up.

Eventually we made it out onto the next street and I started towards Freeze's place.

I am so not driving back to Central City and I'm definitely not letting Mom drive.

Somehow, we made it without any trouble...which I'm including our skin not turning blue on that list.

It's honestly a miracle that those two girls happened to be making out in the alley.

Made it really easy to not die. And it made it easy to go save Nico's butt.

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I knocked again and I heard some crashing sounds.

There he is.

I could hear the multiple locks being undone and the door opened to let us in.

"What are you two doing here?" Freeze asked, ushering us into his living room.

"Blankets first, answers later." I said. My teeth are chattering from the extreme cold in this place.

"Of course." He disappeared for an instant before returning with a huge pile of quilts, comforters, and fuzzy blankets.

Mom and I curled up together on a couch. I could barely see out of all the blankets that he put on us.

"If you want, I could turn up the heat."

"We'll be fine." Mom said.

"Okay, now why aren't you two not in Central City?"

"We may or may not have made the Joker mad enough that he kidnapped us." I said.

Freeze sighed. "Are you two okay?"

"We're not dead." I shrugged, knowing he can't see the motion.

"I would have came, but I just got home. It's getting harder and harder to lose Batman."

"Did you find anything?" Mom perked up.

"Still haven't had any success I'm afraid. Batman seems to take any attacks of Wayne Industries seriously."

"No duh. The Wayne Foundation is connected to it and that's the only charity that ever does stuff here. I don't live here and I can see obvious that is." I chuckled and tapped my fingers against my leg.

Freeze rolled his eyes. "Based off of the lack of input from your mother...I'm going to guess you need a ride home."


He stood up. "You two are lucky that I'm not a pyschopath."

I snorted. "Nah, you're just a good guy."

"We are villains. We are anything but good guys."

This is crap but blame it on my stress and anxiety

Mainly cause...project due, test, blizzard bags due, need to start on two different projects, a student choice board which I have to do like ten different activities on by Wednesday, still need to annotate for English...

*stressed laughter*

Not to mention the teacher who those projects are for never gives us time to work on them and gives us homework every night

And another teacher gives us horrible homework every night like what the heck are you even asking for

He also doesn't believe in hundred percents so that's a thing

And also this needs to be read super fast and like you stressed so you get how stressed I actually am sboyr this

Now I'm gonna go eat s ham sandwich cause no power and maybe shovel an entire tub of ice cream into my mouth

*more laughter*

See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now