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I slung my bag over my shoulder before walking over to Cam's locker. I stood there and waited for him to close his locker.

"You survive today?" He asked. His cool fingers intertwined with mine.

"Yeah." I smiled up at him.

"Good. Now how about we go hang out at the park or something?"

"Hey Percy." Thalia walked over to me. "Can I talk to you real fast?"

"I'll wait outside." Cam released my hand. He didn't seem to notice me glaring at his turned back.

I sighed and looked at Thalia. "Um...what did you want to talk about?"

"You're a failure, you should have defended them."

I raised an eyebrow. I know what she's doing, I'm not falling for it.

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing, I was just checking something. See you tomorrow."

I pressed my lips together, staring at her as she walked away. You'd think my eyes being blue would keep them from thinking I'm me.

Although my name probably doesn't help me at all.

I shook my head. All I can do is make sure to keep up my shy personality and not slip up.

"What do you want to do?" Cam questioned as I neared him.

"Drop our stuff off at Leonard's and then go to the park?" I suggested.

He nodded.

For the day I had, the trip was uneventful, both to Leonard's and to the park.

"Are you warm enough?" Cam broke the comfortable silence.

"I'll be fine." I reached over and wrapped my hand around his arm, creating a patch of ice.

"Your hand is cold!"

"You're an icicle." I laughed.

"You seem like you got left out in a blizzard."

My smile was frozen on my face as a memory drifted to the front of my mind.

"Jeez Water Girl, how are you this cold? Did you stay out in a blizzard or something?"

I couldn't speak, my teeth were chattering too much.

Fire sparked on Leo's palm and he held out his hand. "How are you this-"

The boat shook. My eyes widened, a small noise of surprise forced it's way out, and ice spread across the room.

"Uh...Percy, is there something you want to tell me? Or should I just be chill with this?" He laughed.

I didn't respond, knowing he would find out soon enough. That little stunt used the small amount of heat I was dedicating to keeping my skin tan.

I could feel the blue crawl up my arms. I kept my gaze locked on Leo as he stared on in shock.

"That's so cool! You look kinda like Loki. Except for you know, you're a girl and you have blue eyes and...wait. Why are you blue?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "When I was a baby, my mom had a friend who worked for STAR Labs. She was assigned to a station up in the Artic. Somehow she managed to get permission to bring an assistant. Somehow...she managed to convince my mom to be her assistant and bring me with her."

Leo's fire grew stronger and the heat rolled over me.

"The Hive attacked the station right before my mom's friend went outside. So my mom gave me to her. We weren't that far away when the station exploded. We ended up by the device the HIVE was after and well...she sabotaged the cooling system so we would die instantly."


"We didn't die. Although sometimes I wish we did. The coolant changed us, gave us ice powers...and a need for living heat. Imagine each day having to drain all of the heat from someone, sometimes killing them just to stay alive."

Tears froze on my cheeks. "I've killed people. I've hurt people at camp because I wasn't careful. So you shouldn't be helping me Leo. I'm no better than the monsters."

He pulled me into a tight hug. "I don't get why you think that Percy. You needed heat doesn't make it bad for you to get it."

I was silent, enjoying the body heat. Then I told him something that I'll probably regret later.

"Killer Frost was my mom's friend. I'm Blizzard."

"-ercy? Hey, Percy, come on snap out of it."

I looked at Cameron before hugging him. He seemed shocked but returned it.

"Can...Can you walk me home please?" I mumbled. "I don't know if I'll be able to defend myself."

"Of course I'll walk you home. And you know I'll do my best to protect you."

He helped me stand and we exited the park. I stumbled a few times, leading to Cam having to catch me.

"This is when you're glad it's a Friday." He laughed. He cut off quickly and ice formed around him. "Run."

I nodded and took off as best as I could. I turned down an alleyway and scaled up the fire escape.

This will be risky, but I need to get home and fast.

I pulled off my sweatshirt, leaving me in a plain longsleeved shirt. I shot some ice across the rooftops.

Good thing I know how to ice skate.

I slid along the surface, occasionally using a brief burst of ice to propel myself.

Okay. Only need to make it-

The ice beneath me gave way and I crashed to the alley below.

"Look who dropped in." Artemis crossed her arms.

I tried to push myself up but...

"Dam it." I mumbled, trying to focus through the pain.

Once my arm was encased in ice, I tried to attack. A swift blow to the head ended that plan.

Dark spots danced in my vision before  my eyes shut and I slipped into unconsciousness.

I really should learn how to keep an update schedule...

Heh, I did that for three books which are all like 50ish parts so...


Where do you think this is going to head?

See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now