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"Heya Percy."

I rolled my eyes as Cam plopped on the couch next to me.

"You seem happy," I said.

"You aren't dead." A wide grin appeared across his face. "And uh...are you seriously wearing my hoodie?"

"Why? Have a problem with it?" I grinned, batting my eyelashes.

His face turned red and he looked away. "I was just asking."

"Aw, did I embarrass you? Did I embarrass the ice cold villain?" I shook him playfully.

Then I sighed. "Thanks."

I'm guessing it was him who told KF to come help me. Although I ended up having to help him.

"For what?" He looked at me, blush already faded.

"Getting Kid Flash and the goth to come help us."

"Well I couldn't let you die. You're my best friend." He chuckled, but it seemed forced.

I frowned and turned so my body was facing him. "What's wrong?"

He glanced at me, eyes briefly locking with mine. "Nothing."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "We are friends Cameron. Best. Friends. We tell each-"

"Thirty seconds." He said.


My question was quickly answered.

Cam's lips gently pressed against mine. My eyes widened and I froze.

Don't. Don't freeze him.

Cameron pulled away, staring at me, counting under his breath.

I slapped him and his face immediately fell from the giddy grin that had spread across it.

"Idiot! You- You- I could kill you!" Tears welled up in my eyes, ice freezing the cushion beneath me.

"I know...I...I just...you getting kidnapped like that made me realize that I wanted you to know, just in case." He looked away from me.

"And risking getting hypothermia again is just a side note?!" I yelled.

"The risk was worth it."

I stared at him, his blue eyes shining. I rested my hand on his face. A little bit of stubble scratched against my hand.

"I just want you to be safe." I mumbled. "I'm not worth you getting hurt."

"Yes you are." He leaned towards me so his face was only a few inches away.

"No I'm-"

He placed his lips over mine again, keeping me from arguing.

"You are worth everything Percy." He mumbled against my lips.

I relaxed into the kiss, wrapping an arm around his neck.

He smiled, hands moving to gently bury themselves in my hair. Cam broke away, the same giddy grin on his face.

"I'm hoping this means you like me too."

"If I didn't you'd be out cold." My lips were tingling slightly. Another kiss was pressed to my lips and I giggled.

"Um...do you...uh, care if-"

"If...?" I prompted.

He was silent for a little bit. "If we...cuddle or whatever?"

I laughed and pulled him into a hug, my head resting against his shoulder. "You don't have to act so shy about this."

It was his turn to laugh, moving me before laying back. He had me laying on top of him, his arm wrapped around my waist.

Meanwhile, I had reached my hands up and was playing with his hair, the strands slightly frozen.

"Should I seriously be worried about hypothermia again?"

"Nah...I'm actually topped up on heat for once." Mom wanted me to have extra just in case we had a repeat kidnapping.

"Good. Because that means I don't have to worry about you worrying."

That earned an eyeroll from me. "Cam, I always worry. That's just how I am."

"You didn't when we were younger. Leonard had to stop us from doing stupid stuff." He sighed.

"Stuff happens, people change." I buried my face in his chest.

And people die because of me.

My body started shaking and tears leaked from my eyes.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?! Did I say something?!"

"I don't want to hurt you." I choked out, hands gripping his shirt. He gently rubbed my back before pulling me away and sitting up.

"You aren't going to, idiot. I can handle myself. I'll be completely fine."

"That's what Leo said." I whimpered.

"Who's Leo?" He raised an eyebrow.

"He- He had fire powers. He would give me heat and he kept it a secret for me. I...I ended up killing him."

Cam's eyes softened as more and more tears fell down my face.

"Percy, if you hurt me it's going to be because I let you. I know-"

"So did he!" I sobbed.

He pulled my face to his, lips connecting for what seems like the thousandth time.

There was a knock at the door and I pulled away to glance at it.

Cam just turned my face back to his, resting his hands on my face. Somehow I ended up pressed backwards, arms wrapped up around him.

I almost missed the second knock, but I didn't. I gently pushed Cameron away.

"I think making out might be a bit much." I wiped my eyes.

"I'm just trying to cheer you up. Besides, when is the next time I might be able to kiss you like this? Without getting hypothermia or frostbite."

I rolled my eyes. "True..."

"So can I kiss you again?"

"Fine." I said.

I mean I'm not going to complain  about it. Plus he's like a puppy. A very very dangerous puppy.

Without the puppy breath. And what kind of sick twisted person doesn't like it when a puppy kisses them?

He smirked before leaning in once again.

Right before he could kiss me, the door opened.

"What is going on here?!"


Two hour delay

And who do you think that was?






If any of y'all have ideas

Throw them at me violently


Wish me luck

Got a personal finance test today

See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now