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"Dude, chill out." I rolled underneath some shards of ice.

Junior stared at me and a wave of relief fell over his features.

"Hey, Kid Flash right? I need you to do me a favor."

"I don't think that's how the whole hero villain thing works dude." I slowly stood up, not wanting to get frozen.

He sighed and some of the ice around his face melted. "Listen, Blizzard and Killer Frost are in trouble and I'm the only ice villain not in hot water with any of the big leaguers right now. I can't help them by myself."

I crossed my arms. "Just to be clear we are talking about helping the ladies right? Cause I'm not getting yelled at by Batman...again."

"Of course I'm talking about the girls. You guys would just shove them in jail...but the Joker..." Junior shook his head. "Well, I think it's him. Anyway  he kinda doesn't like them."

"Fine dude, but you owe me one." I sped off towards the Zeta Tube. Hope this isn't a wild goose chase.

I sighed. But Blizzard isn't that bad of a villain so...

Yes I knew who she was the first time I saw her with the Team. We've fought each other more times than I can count.

I just didn't want the Team to think she was some big threat, which backfired. But come on she never tries to kill anyone.

So why are we even after her in the first place?

Shaking my head I entered into the disguised Zeta Tube. Probably just to keep us busy.

Recognized Kid Flash B0-3

"Hey Wally, how's the fast life treating you?" Dick grinned as he scored a point against Artemis.

"Do we have a mission today?" I asked.

"No, why? Got a date?" Artemis snorted.

Thalia laughed. "Doubt it, his loud mouth probably scares off everyone more than Nico's morning breath."

That earned her a punch from her cousin.

"It doesn't scare off Will." He grumbled pulling his jacket tighter around himself. "You on the other hand scare everyone except Percy and me."

I rolled my eyes. "Junior told me that Killer Frost and Blizzard are in trouble."

"And they're villains. If they're in trouble it's probably from the League." Thalia said, twirling a bracelet around her wrist.

"He said it's the Joker."

"Still not our priority dude. And if we do go out, you know how much trouble we'll get in? We won't be able to leave the Cave for a month."

I groaned. I seriously thought they'd want to go do something.

"If you want to go so badly, go." Nico looked at me. "I won't tell."

Nodding I walked back over to the Zeta Tube.

Then a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a shadow.

We were spit out in a random alley. I turned and glared at Nico.

"What was that?!"

He shrugged dismissively. "Shadow travel. Child of Hades thing. Now. do you have any idea where the Joker would be?"

"That's kinda why I was hoping for Rob to come with us. If anyone knows, it would be him."

"West Third Street. Lex Corp warehouse. He's been operating out of there the last week. We just haven't been able to get to him cause Freeze and Icicle Sr have been trying to break into Wayne Industry facilities."

Oh thank God. I forgot I had the com.

"Thanks dude. Any idea what they're after?"

"No. Batman has managed to stop them. But it's probably something to do with the other ice villains. Captain Cold tried to break into Star labs recently...are you sure you're doing the right thing here?" Dick questioned.

"Nope. But I don't think the Joker gets along with those two. Uh...can you keep on standby just in case we end up needing Bats?"

"Yep. Good luck."

I looked at Nico. "Are you going to do the traveling thing again or are you gonna hitch a ride?"

He glared at me causing me to shiver. "You're going to run me over because I can't shadow travel much. Plus I don't have a com so I have no idea where to go."

I scooped him into my arms and sped to the warehouse.

"Easy enough. And it's not my fault you don't want one."

"I don't want to die." He quickly moved away from me when I sat him down. Then he looked at the building. "This the right place?"

I nodded and climbed up onto some crates so I could pull off a vent. "Come on short stuff. We've got some damsels in distress to rescue."

Crawling through the vent, I could feel the metal getting colder...even through my gloves.

There was a cackle causing me to freeze before quietly scrambling towards a grate.

If I pressed my face to the metal duct I could see the clown prince staring at Blizzard and Killer Frost.

"You're going to kill her!" Blizzard struggled against her bonds.

"Now now snowflake, you really know how to encourage someone." The Joker moved closer to them, his breath visible. "Now I wonder how cold it has to get to not snow?"

Ice spikes formed around Blizzard...but...

"Hold on." Nico grabbed my ankle and shadowtravelled us down to the floor.

"Thought you said you-" I cut off as he fell to the ground with a thud.

"What do we have here?" The Joker turned and grinned. "Not even the birdie? I must really need to step up my game."

I took a deep breath and sped forward, past him to quickly untie the two ice villains.

Blizzard looked at me, a thankful smile on her blue lips.

"Go." I said before turning to face the Joker.

The only issue?

He was holding Nico, a knife pressed to the demigod's throat.


"One step and we see crimson stain his pretty white skin."


Thanks to GrandmamaEster for this idea


If I say the idea was given to me...assume it was her unless I say anything

And uh...

What the heck


See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now