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"Do you think she was serious?" I mumbled as Nico and I reappeared inside the Cave.

"It's Kelp Head so normally we'd have a fifty-fifty chance of her being serious, but based off of the way she was glaring at us...well, I don't want to spend more time with my stepmom than necessary." He mumbled back.

"Just in time for training." Canary said.

I sighed. "Not in the mood. Come on Death Breath." I pulled him towards the living room.

I crashed on the couch and sighed.

"We have to tell the Team." Nico sat beside me.

"Not until we're sure."

"Until you're sure of what?" Robin said, coming out of the hallway with his arms crossed. The rest of the Team was behind him.

Nico looked at me and I sat up, resting my elbows on my knees.

"Percy said that the next time we go after Blizzard, we're going to have to fight her too."

"And?" Connor raised an eyebrow. "That's supposed to mean something?"

"You don't understand. Percy is powerful. She's the daughter of Poseidon." Nico said.

"You're a son of Hades and she's a daughter of Zeus. You two could easily overpower her." Artemis said.

Nico chuckled and stared her dead in the eyes. "Percy could kill us all without batting an eye."

"But she seems so nice." Megan tilted her head.

"Kelp Head has a dark side. I remembered when Annabeth got taken and well...we fought and she chucked an entire frozen creek at my head. And that was before she started blaming herself for people dying. Before she led two wars."

"Before she fell into hell." Nico added. "That place...it was hard enough for me and I kinda have a bit of immunity to it. But I was captured and taken out. Percy and Annabeth...they fought through it."

"Well let's just go get this Annabeth chick and see if-" Wally stopped talking when Kaldur sighed.

"She perished in the last war." He said.

"How do you know that, dude?" Wally asked.

"It is common knowledge in Atlantis."

"You're missing the point." I ran a hand through my hair. "Percy is not someone we want to mess with. Just the look on her face when she's mad...it's as scary as Death Breath here raising an army of the undead."

"You're overexaggerating." Robin waved it off. "We've seen her fight you  and-"

"She wasn't trying. Even if the two of us teamed up against her, she'd win. We were trained to fight as individuals, to take down as many enemies as possible."

Nico nodded. "When she had the Curse of Achilles's she took down my father's army. And my father himself. And despite lacking the curse, I have no doubt she'd be able to do it again."

"So, we don't go after Blizzard." Wally shrugged. "Easy enough decision."

"No it isn't that easy. You didn't have us. I'm indestructible, Megan's a Martain, Robin is basically a ninja, and Kaldur-"

"Cannot fight her without committing treason and dying. I cannot fight against her."

"Okay, but you still have us."

I groaned. "Fine. We'll go after Blizzard the next time she makes an appearance. But if you die, it's not on me."


I groaned in pain as Cameron rubbed my stomach.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbled. "I thought they were chicken."

I trembled as he kept repeating his apology.

"Cam, stop. I know it was an accident." I rolled over, forcing down the bile that rose with the motion.

"Doesn't mean I can't feel bad." He mumbled and smoothed down my hair. "I'll be right back babe." He moved me off of him and I could hear him put something in the microwave.

About five minutes later he came back with a few hot water bottles.

"I know this won't have the same effect but it'll keep you from losing more heat right?"

He sat and pulled me up onto his lap before placing the bottles around me.

"How do you even mistake fish sticks for chicken?" I asked. "The smell should have given it away."

"You should have realized it before you took a bite."

"Cam, I haven't been able to smell anything other than ice for the last two days."

"And I just assumed your mom wouldn't keep any fish in the house. Now shut up and cuddle."

I laughed and nestled closer to him. I knew he was using this as an opportunity to give me heat, but at this point I didn't care.

We sat there and watched some old show on TV, ignoring Mom as she walked through in her costume.

When she came back out, her hair was damp but her skin wasn't blue. She sat beside Cam and pulled me away from him.

"Are you okay Percy?" She mumbled.

"I'm good. Just accidentally ate some fish."

Mom sighed and kissed my head. "I'm not going to ask. But are you two planning on doing anything tonight?"

"If Percy's up to it, I was thinking a night on the town, maybe get her some extra heat. And then maybe we could just hang out on some roofs and look at the stars or some stereotypical couple stuff."

I laughed and shook my head. "I should be fine by then. Now if you excuse me..." I stood up and picked up the empty bucket beside the couch. "I'm going to take a nap."

I got it done!

Even if its crap!

That I wrote half asleep!


And uh...


I have to take my senior pictures tomorrow so that'll be fun...

And remember, please go check out my other books

Only throwing that out cause I am tired

See yah

A Frozen Sea (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now