Chapter 45

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"Daddy?" Calum said. His eyes lit up like Christmas lights. Everyone was silent and hesitant to say anything for a moment. Then suddenly, "I have a daddy! My very own daddy!" calum screamed for everyone to hear him.

"Yes you do! and im so glad i finally got to meet you." Andrew said while picking up caleb. "Im your very own daddy." He smiled and kissed the top of Calums forehead.

"Daddy, i know we just met, but i love you. And i've always missed you. I didnt even know i had a daddy. Well, i did. But mommy always told me she lost you and then i didnt know anything else but all the sad stuff is over now because i have daddy." Calum says quickly and grins widely.

"I missed you so much more." Andrew said and hugged calum tightly. He put calum down and laid his eyes on Caleb.

"Well Hi there buddy." Andrew said while sqauting down to Calebs height and putting his hand out for Caleb to shake.

"Debby duley how ya doin?" Caleb said and shakes his hand.

"What?!" We all ask at the same time. It was actually pretty funny and we all started cracking up.

"I saw it on disney." Caleb said and laughed at himself.

"Well debby duley, im doin dandy." Andrew laughed and ran his hand through Calebs hair while standing back up. "And you must be Justin Bieber and Alyssa Braun." He smiled.

"At your service." Justin smiled genuinely. "And you must be Andrew." Justin said.

"Thats me." Andrew smiled while putting his hand out for Justin to shake. So he shook his hand. "And you must be the beautiful Alyssa Braun.." He smiled while shaking my hand.

"Awe, thanks! And yep, thats me." I smiled.

"Well you two are just something else. So humble, caring. I cannot thank you enough for bring my son and I together today.. I dont think i could ever repay you for this." Andrew said to Justin and I.

"Thank you so much. And no, theres no need for us to be repayed." I explained. "This is our gift to you, for protecting our country and keeping us, and America safe. Thank you for your service." I said.

"I take this from the bottom of my heart to tell you, i cant thank you enough for your services, you went out there and risked your life everyday for us, America, and a lot of other people and most people wouldn't do that." Justin said.

"It was truly my pleasure." Andrew said.

"No, it was mine." Justin said and bro hugged him. I still dont understand why guys dont hug like bish whet. I laughed at my own thought. The subject quickly changed to us talking to Calum.

"So Calum, now that daddys home for good, do you wanna live with him? Its only a few minutes away and you can still come over for sleep overs and to play with Caleb." I said while bending down.

"What do you say buddy? Do you wanna come live with Daddy?" Andrew asked. Caleb slightly hesitated for a minute, then quickly agreed.

"Yess!" Calum said and jumped into Andrews arms. I never ever want Calum to forget this moment so i took a buch of pictures and ended up posting one on Instagram and twitter.. I captioned it:

'Reunited ❤️'

It was so cute.

"Well, lets all go home and get Calum stuff." I smiled.

"Orrr we could go out for dinner at a Restaurant, on me." Justin suggested.

"Um i'd love to." Andrew smiled.

~after dinner and after packing Calum up at home~

"Well buddy, i think its time to say goodbyes." Andrew said to Calum as we packed all of Calums suitcases in Andrews car. We all said our goodbyes.

"Wait! Before you go, i almost forgot." I said and pulled a note out of my pocket and handed it to Andrew. He read it and the look on his face was, was...


Authors note:

Omg im so sorry i havent updated, a lots happening with school starting, ilyasm and im not stopping writing

Im so sorry if this is sort

I promise i'll update again soon

Ilysm thanks for reading. 😘❤️

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