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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊). 𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜


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"So..." Freddie started, looking around the small café that was filled with the smell of Marijuana. Reina turned to look at him, chewing on the food she was eating. "Singer?"


"You gonna sing today?" Jinkies questioned the girl, staring at her over her shoulder. Reina shrugged. "Come on, girl. Sing. Show your new friend that voice of yours. You might need it after that thing that happened with that man."

Jinkies rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. She gave Reina a glare that made the girl cower and squint her eyes. Reina sighed standing up from the wooden chair and grabbed the guitar.

"Is it gonna be sad or happy?" Juicy asked. "I gotta prepare myself."

"I guess sad. Let's just see how it goes."

She strummed the guitar, Reina closing her eyes to let the music course through her. She felt her body swiftly moving left to right to the sound that she found comfort in the most.

"I don't wanna be the last man standing," she sang. Freddie perked up at her voice, staring at the girl with interest than he was before. "I don't wanna be the lonely one." Everybody faced the girl, their eyes glistening with such admiration to their singer. "'Cause I'm paper thin and you know this."

Freddie saw the girl still not daring to open her eyes. It was as if she were to open them, she would not like the sight that was in front of her.

"Beautiful, right?" Jinkies smiled, sitting down next to Freddie who nodded. "Comes from a long family line of singers. The way she walks is in rhythm and that girl has to always have some type of music playing or she gets in a mood."

"That's interesting."

"How 'bout you?"

"What about me?"

"You sing?"

Freddie nodded before he turned to look at the girl on the front.

"So hold me. Wrap me in love, fill up my cup. Empty and only your love can fill up my cup." Freddie noticed the way the girl's eyes started to water. He heard her let out a shaky breath in between. "I confess, my weakness. Til you pick up the parts that are broken. Pour out your perfection on me now."

Freddie watched on as the girl sang her heart out. She was in too much pain, he could see that. He just wondered why that is.

"That was beautiful Queenie!" Juicy yelled out, clapping as he stood up, wiping his eyes dramatically. "Beautiful!"

"Sit your ass down Juice!" Reina laughed, placing the guitar back on its place. She walked back to the table before she saw Freddie stand up. "You leaving already Queen?"

Freddie saw her teasing smile. "Yes, I'm leaving already Queenie."

"I'll see you later."

"See you later."


"Where were you?"

"I was with my friends."

"He was worried. He was running around like a chicken looking for you."

"I was not!"

"Oh shut up you child."

"Shut up, Brian."

The guitarist and the drummer turned to look at the girl who stared at them back with furrowed eyebrows.

"You know," Brian started, crossing his arms, "Roger never told me your name."


"Isn't that Queen in Spanish?"


"I was asking the girl Roger."

"Well I'm sorry I wanted to answer something."

"Anyway," Brian rolled his eyes at the drummer. "You're not one of his cats are you?"

"Nope," Reina answered.

"How'd you meet?"

"Stop prying into my business."

"Mind your own business Roger I'm not asking you."

Reina stared at the two, watching them bicker. She nodded slowly, turning around as she came upon the sight of women with cherry red lips staring at the blonde with such hunger in their eyes. She stepped away, clearing her throat.

"How'd you meet?" Brian asked again.

"His girlfriend and my boyfriend cheated on us."

"Oh Jackie cheated on you?" Brian turned around to look at Roger with his hands placed on his hips. "Wow I'm so surprised."

"I'm this close to smacking you."

"You rather not do that in front of all these girls, Roger."

"Oh now she's your wing woman?"

"She's helping me."

"Oh my God!"

"You're so complicated!" Roger exclaimed.

"Look who's talking."

THE CHEATERS LOVERS. ❪ 𝘙𝘖𝘎𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘖𝘙. ❫Where stories live. Discover now