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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓.) 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖎𝖝𝖊𝖉

) 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖎𝖝𝖊𝖉

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"You and Roger were pretty cozy today in the morning," Robin teased, drinking the beer he had gotten from Reina's friend.

"Shut up," Reina glared at him, hearing Freddie sing the last few verses of Doing Alright. "We do not speak of that, alrigh'?"

"If you say so little sister," Ryver smirked, licking his lips as he did so. Reina glared at him as well before she looked around the pub they were in, looking for their father.

"Where's Dad?" She questioned before Rene pointed towards the bar where her father was talking to a woman that looked to be her age. She didn't really care, though, as her father's love life was his problem. Not hers. He was a grown man that could make decisions for himself.

"Got a bad feeling about that woman," Rain signed, furrowing her eyebrows as she glared at the woman. The siblings all nodded, humming in agreement while staring at their father. Rene was drinking his coffee, Ryver was drinking his coke, Rain was drinking juice, Robin was drinking beer, and Reina was drinking her chocolate milk. They all stared at their dad while sipping their drinks, each of them not daring to avert their eyes. It wasn't until the woman looked over their dad's shoulder and whispered in his ear that he glared at them. They immediately looked away, playing with their straws in unison.

"He should at least be grateful that we, his children, are looking after him," Robin snapped quietly, emphasizing on the words "his children."

They all sat in silence.

"Excuse me." The siblings looked up at the voice, coming face to face with a woman and a man withholding such judgemental stares that Reina had to grab a hold of Rain's hand to calm herself.

"Yes, ma'am?" Rene smiled politely.

"Hey," the woman shot a fake smile at the siblings. "Uh, I couldn't help but hear that you all are siblings."

"Yes, we are," Reina smiled sarcastically. "Is that a problem?"

"No, it's just a bit weird," the woman chuckled, gesturing towards Ryver and Rain. "That they're black and you guys are white."

"Well," Reina started, "if you don't know how that can possibly happen, it's when a white woman sleeps with a black man and boom! Mixed babies. Shocking right?"

The woman scoffed. "There's no such thing as mixed babies. A white woman can't sleep with a black man."

"Who says so?" Rene questioned, squinting his eyes at the woman.

"Who made it a rule?" Ryver questioned next, wrapping an arm around his twin sister, who was glaring at the couple in front of them.

"This isn't the 1930s, is it?" Robin smiled just as sarcastic as Reina.

"We're white and mixed," Reina said, standing up, facing the couple with such a stare it could scare anyone away. "Do I look white?"


"Well, I'm not," Reina stood closer to them as they backed away. "I'm someone that came from a black proud man and a white woman. My brother and sister came as well. Not a proud black man, but a black man. Don't ever ask a question like that."

The couple left with a scoff, Reina left with rolling her eyes.

"The nerve they had to ask us that question," Rene sighed, shaking his head.

"I hate when the people say we can't be your siblings because of the color of our skin," Ryver looked at his siblings who all punched him in the shoulder.

"Well believe it, little brother," Rene grinned, "because you are just as good looking as we all are."

"You're right," Ryver breathed in and out, smiling at his older brother while he fist bumped him.

"I've never realized how good looking we all are," Robin snorted before Reina grabbed his hands.

"Your nail polish is chipped," Reina said, examining Robin's nails. The blonde rolled his eyes playfully at his sister before he saw a certain drummer heading their way, followed by the other members. Robin cleared his throat softly, grabbing the attention of his siblings. Reina dropped his hand. "But, I agree. We're a good looking family."

"Hey guys," Roger sighed, sitting down next to Reina while the other bandmates grabbed chairs and sat with the family. They all got along so well. "Are you guys okay? We saw what happened."

"Irrelevant people," Reina answered.


"What were guys talking about?" Freddie asked, staring at the Janes, who all immediately looked at Robin to explain to Freddie what they were talking about. They were conceited and arrogant around each other, but when around people, they were all just too shy and embarrassed.

"How good looking all of us are," Robin bluntly said.


The other Janes blushed embarrassedly, looking away as their father headed towards them, sipping on his chocolate milk. Roger noticed this.

He leaned in closer to Reina's face, his breath fanning her ear. "You are dad's child."

"Guess who got a date?" He questioned excitedly, smiling widely. The siblings' smiles were immediately wiped of their faces when they heard this, but watching their dad be happy for once just made them happy that he was like that.

"Congrats dad!" Rain signed, grinning weakly at the man.

"Thanks, angel."

"Congrats old man," Robin smiled.

"Congrats dad!"

Reina silently disagreed in her head as did the other siblings. She didn't know if her dad forgot or if her mother forgot as well, but, her dad and mother weren't divorced.

"When is it?" Reina questioned, Roger grabbing a hold of her hand when he noticed her clearly disagreeing. Brian looked at Rain who immediately looked at her hands.

"It's today at night."



you guys can go read
my social media book
that is coming soon. it's
a rami malek book so read
it if you want. i'm going to
update again by the way.


also, a special thank you to
Maduh_Skywalker for making
me video edits on her tumblr.
thank you!!!

THE CHEATERS LOVERS. ❪ 𝘙𝘖𝘎𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘖𝘙. ❫Where stories live. Discover now