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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓.) 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊

) 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊

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Roger was sitting next to Reina in the pub after another, yet again, successful performance. It was a month after meeting Reina's family and the girl couldn't be happier that they still treated her as Reina, the girl they had met before.

"How 'bout that girl over there?" Reina pointed towards the girl giving Roger lustful eyes. Roger looked away from the girl, shaking his head.

"No, thank you," he said. Reina furrowed her eyebrows, feeling Roger's arm go around her shoulders. "Maybe later."

"Maybe later?" Reina raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded. "Alright, but I'm not gonna be here to help you. My uncle is coming to visit."

"No," Roger groaned, his head tilting back. "Spend time with me, woman."

"I can't," the woman chuckled, ruffling Roger's hair. "I haven't seen my uncle since last year after one of my other uncles informed him and his band that he was leaving the band."

"Your uncle's a musician?" Roger questioned, fixing his hair as he drank from his drink. He looked at the girl while drinking, awaiting for her answer.

Reina sighed, looking down at the drink in her hands. "You and the band can come meet him if you want. After all, you already met my family and I'm pretty sure you know my uncle."

"What's name?" Roger asked as he stood up and held his hand out for Reina to grab a hold of it. She grabbed it, standing up as well as they walked towards the band.

"You'll just have to find out," Reina smiled.


"Come on tell me."


"Tell me Reina."



Reina rolled her eyes at the man, watching as the others were staring at them with amused looks. She looked at Brian, mouthing "kids" when he smirked at her.

John stopped the van, getting out of it as the others followed suit. They immediately headed towards Reina's apartment as she ran inside the building.

The band was were filled with anticipation with who Reina's uncle was. But when they reached the door of her home and heard laughter of her father and her brothers, they saw a man sitting down with their back towards them.

"Uncle Paul!" Reina exclaimed happily, heading towards the man. The boys watched as the man turned around and their mouths opened and their eyes widened when they recognized him.

"Oh my God," Brian mumbled, gulping. "It's Paul McCartney."

"I can die in peace now," Roger mumbled back, feeling his heart race.

"My Queen!" Paul exclaimed back, hugging his goddaughter tightly. "Oh my God, you've gotten taller and gorgeous!"

"You haven't aged," Reina said before they pulled away and Paul noticed the men staring at him.

"Oh," he said, "you brought company."

"They're a band, Uncle Paul," Ryver said. "They call themselves Smile."

"Hi, Rain," Brian waved at the girl who was staring at him already. She smiled shyly, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Brian," she signed.

"Ah," Paul let out, heading towards the boys while his arm was wrapped around Reina's shoulder. "You're friends of Reina?"

"Yeah," Freddie let out. "We are."

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Paul smiled. "Glad to know my goddaughter is making friends. Musicians in fact."

"Goddaughter?" Roger questioned.

"Yep," Paul answered.

"He's one of my best friends," Omarr said, smiling at Paul. "They all actually have a godfather. Rene has Ringo. Ryver has George. Rain has Jimi Hendrix, who may rest in peace, and Rainbow has John."

"Reina I'm learning something new about you," Roger breathed out, trying to process everything that was going on. "Oh my God."

"When did they meet your dad?" Paul whispered in Reina's ear.

"Last month."

"Should've given them more time," Paul chuckled. Reina nodded, agreeing with him after the band didn't seem to snap out of their shocked trance.

"You still kept in contact with each other after you stopped being famous?" Freddie questioned Reina's dad, looking like the only one not shocked the least.

"Yep," Omarr nodded. "He was the one that warned me the most out of the band. He never liked their mother."

"And I still don't," the man said, shaking his head as he looked at Omarr over his shoulder. Paul turned to look at Freddie. "I knew from the very beginning that she seemed off. She never wanted to go out anywhere with O and she seemed somewhat embarrassed by him."

"But he's Disco Jane. He was the coolest man."

"I was, Fred," Omarr sighed. "I was too lovesick to notice what she was doing. All this time she only wanted everyone to get bored with me and forget about me, making me lose my money."

"And that's when I stepped in and helped him," Paul added, fixing the curly strands of Reina's hair. "Michael wanted to come visit you all. But, his mother didn't let him. He needed to go to school."

"We'll just visit the munch later on."


"Michael Jackson?" Paul chuckled.

"Wait, wait," Brian shook his head. "Don't tell me Michael Jackson is something of yours too."

"We refer to him as our little cousin," Robin answered with a small smirk on his lips.

"You're literally surrounded by musicians," Deaky grinned. Reina grinned back, high fiving each other.

"But she doesn't like singing in front of people," Paul glared at the woman playfully and she shrugged innocently.

"She has a great voice," Rene complimented. "She's just afraid for the world to listen to her voice."

"I've seen how fame makes a person go, dear brother," Reina said. "I'm afraid I'll end up dead because of it."

"Stop thinking like that, Rei," Robin sighed.

"I'm just saying."

"She knows how to play guitar," Paul said. "She knows how to sing. She has the personality of a musician. She's already a musician."

"And she'll have everyone to support her."

"Told you your name will bring greatness one day."


"Just saying."



the trailer of the movie
yesterday inspired me
and also because of joe
and gwilym reading
tumblr posts.

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