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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗). 𝖙𝖞𝖕𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖓

 𝖙𝖞𝖕𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖓

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"So..." Roger started as his eyes raked over the face of the curly-haired girl that was eating across from him. "We're single."

"Wow, I didn't know that," Reina sarcastically said, rolling her eyes. "And also you wouldn't be sing,le if you just stopped sleeping with women and throwing them away the next morning. Just saying."

Roger rolled his eyes this time. "Well you should consider it. It's fun."

"Yeah if you want to get any type of disease from a person you drunkenly chose," Reina said. "And I don't do that Roger. It seems more like your job and you're doing such a great job."

For the past week, the only thing Roger has done is play the drums with the band, find a girl if he was lucky enough, sleep with her, dump her the next day with the help of Reina, and repeat the cycle. It didn't usually succeed due to the fact that the women he slept with would go back to him the next day and want to build an emotional relationship with him.

"Well darling I gotta enjoy this life before it becomes to ruins," Roger smiled sarcastically before looking down at the food Reina had given him. "Also, can you become Brian's wing woman? Maybe a woman in his life will make him a little less uptight."

"I can try," Reina shrugged. "But that man isn't like you Roger. He's not easy. He wants something. He wants someone-"

"Yeah I don't care," Roger sighed, waving his hand around. "I just want him to like fall in love with a woman or some shit like that. He's a little bit of an arsehole."

"He's like that because he hangs out with you and Tim and you're both children. Literally," Reina said. "He's gained the attitude of a father thanks to you both. But maybe a woman will make him loosen up? Maybe."


"Enough talking about Brian," Reina said, placing the cup of coffee Jinkies' gave her back on the table. "But what about you? What type of women are you into?"

"Kind of cheesy," Roger started, munching on the sandwich Juicy made for him. He continued, "But a woman that is just passionate about what she wants. I will respect her if she also respects me because I don't want to be in a relationship where I get mistreated and I still have to respect her, even though my mom told me to respect women either. Like if she respects me like I don't mean it like, like in a harsh, manipulative way." He stopped ranting, sighing as he looked at the girl. "What about you?"

"That's difficult," she mumbled, sitting up from the chair. "Well, I'm into men that are just kind, nice, anything. Not only to me but to others. I want someone that will help and be loyal to you and will be the ear and shoulder for you. I want the impossible for a man which is why I can't find the perfect one."

"You'll find him one day," Roger shrugged before he noticed the look that Reina gave him. A confused look. "What? I'm trying to be supportive."

"You? Supportive? What a day," Reina smirked.

"Shut up."

A moment of silence overtook them as they stared at the high people who were singing and dancing around, playing with guitar in the corner.

"Are they... high?" Roger questioned, squinting his eyes at the people there.

"They're heads," Reina answered. "They always take a hit before working or, they do it during work."

"And the people are fine with this?"

"Are the women fine with you playing with them?"

Roger glared at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Look around Roger. What type of people do you see?" Reina asked, spreading out an arm to indicate to the people that were dancing and belting out lyrics from the songs playing on the radio.

He looked at each person, turning to look at Reina after a few minutes. "They're hippies."

"I've noticed," Roger nodded. "They all have nice hair."

"Is someone jealous?"

"Of course not."

"You could ask Mary Jane and Shrimp about how they keep their hair luscious and long," Reina suggested before she yelled over her shoulder before Roger could say anything. "Mary Jane! Shrimp!"

They immediately headed towards, their long hair swaying behind them. Shrimp was wearing sunglasses, despite being inside, and Mary Jane was wearing a colorful bandana that was wrapped around her head.

"Yes Queenie?"

"Roger is wondering how you keep your hair luscious and long."

Mary Jane looked at Roger who was covering his face with his hand. "Well I use aloe vera. It's very good for my hair. This one right here though," she pointed at Shrimp who grinned, "uses water."

"You gotta do it that way man."

"That's very nice to know."

They left and Reina was left with Roger who was slapping her arm.


"That's for embarrassing me."

"I wasn't embarrassing you. I was simply asking something that you were too shy to ask."

"You're really something aren't you?" Roger smiled at her.

"Of course I am."

THE CHEATERS LOVERS. ❪ 𝘙𝘖𝘎𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘖𝘙. ❫Where stories live. Discover now