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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊.) 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊

) 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊

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"How was it to be able to experience everybody chanting your name?"

The Jane family was sitting on one couch while the band, Mary, and Roger's unknown girl sat on the couch other across from them. Roger was completely ignoring the girl he brought and was staring at Omarr with interest when he was speaking about his experience on stage.

"It felt surreal," Reina's father answered, staring at each member. "Felt like I was on cloud 9 and I felt like I was going to die from the shock that just suddenly went through me. The way the people just chant your name or they sing your song is an amazing feeling. Especially when they sing the song that was written for your daughter."

Reina looked at her father who grinned at her.

"There was a song written about Reina?" Brian asked again, looking at the girl with an impressed face. Reina rolled her eyes playfully as her siblings nodded.

Reina turned to look at her older sister who tapped her shoulder, watching as Rain tilted he read towards the man.

"I want you to tell him this," Rain signed. Reina nodded before she turned to look at Brian.

"My sister wants to say something to you," Reina said, catching the attention of everyone. Rain smiled at the tall man and Reina couldn't help but feel such happiness for her sister.

"Tell him he has nice hair," Rain signed. Reina nodded yet again. She turned to Brian who was watching the two.

"She says you have nice hair," Reina smiled at Brian, who immediately smiled shyly while nodding.

"Tell her I said thank you," Brian smiled. Reina nodded, turning to look at her sister who was already staring at her.

"He's cute," Rain signed while grinning. The Jane boys immediately perked up at this, sitting up straighter.

"Hey," Omarr snapped quietly, glaring at his sons. "Stop it. Let your sister be happy."

"But dad—" Ryver started before Omarr cut him off.

"Shut your mouth and be happy for your sister Ryv," Omarr said in a gentle tone. "She hasn't been this happy for a long time. Let Reina handle this."


"She's beautiful," they heard Brian mumble as he stared at the other Jane with eyes profound with awe. Rain blushed. Brian felt his eyes widened as Deaky, Freddie, and Roger snickered. Reina followed after.

"She can read lips," Reina smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at the man. Brian nodded awkwardly. "But I'll teach you sign language so you can have a proper conversation with her without me interfering in your love bubble."

"Oh my God Rei," Brian covered his face in embarrassment and Omarr couldn't help but find the situation amusing. No one had been interested in his daughters, not that he wanted anyone to be interested, before. Reina was quiet, shy, and stoic, isolating herself from every kid. Rain couldn't hear since she was a child and many found that pretty annoying.

"Look at Roger," Mary whispered in Freddie's ear. They both turned to look at Roger who smiling at what Reina said, high-fiving her. "Like I said before, he's totally into her."

"As much as I want them together," Freddie started. "They just met like two or three weeks ago. We should just watch them be friends right now and not focus on the future too much."


"Roger," Omarr said, fixing his sunglasses as Roger turned to face him. Reina watched anxiously at what was happening, biting her lower lip. "How is it to just drum away half of the time? How does it feel to play the drums?"

"It hurts a little, yeah," Roger answered. "Sometimes my fingers tend to bleed a little but the more I play drums, the less it hurts."

"So, tell me, both of you," Omarr started, moving his finger to Roger to Reina. He continued, "How'd you know your lovers were seeing each other?"

"Roger caught them in his bed," Reina answered. Roger nodded.

"I found her phone number in Andrew's wallet and I decided to call it," Roger added. "She then comes, we stared at the two, decided to wake them up by slamming pans together, and then we left."

"Wait, wait, wait," Robin said, shaking his head. "You both slammed pans together to wake them up? That's fucking rad, Rei!"

"It was his idea," Reina pointed at Roger.

"Reina," her father hissed, bringing her hand down. "What'd I say about pointing?"

"That it's rude to point," Reina breathed out. "Sorry dad." She turned to face Robin, who was talking with Roger. "But, yeah, he did that."

"That's cool."

"Was it planned for all of you to have names starting with an "R"?" Freddie asked, catching the attention of all the Janes.

"It wasn't planned," Ryver answered before he turned to look at his father and remembered something. "No, never mind. My mom wanted all of us to have names starting with the letter R. Don't know why, but she just did. She named Rene after a deceased uncle, she named me Ryver, not with an I but rather with a Y, because she loved the river while staring up at the sky. She named Rain after the rain because she found the noise soothing. She named Rainbow after she saw a rainbow forming outside when he was about to be born. She named Reina after a deceased great-great grandmother that had that name and was passed down. She also believed that Reina's name was the beginning of something great and her name was to be known in the future."

"Where is she now?"

"We don't know," Omarr shrugged. "She just left with another man and we don't know why she betrayed all of us like that."



im giving away three plots
guys. and i want to give
them away to you guys.

one. wing woman ━ roger taylor
↳ (unavailable)
two. friendly rivals ━ john deacon
three. overnight ━ roger taylor

whoever gets chosen to write them,
i will message you about the plots.
i still need to come up with a brian
may plot and a freddie mercury plot
so don't worry. :)

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