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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓.) 𝖎 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚

) 𝖎 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚

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There was a knock at the door a few minutes later after Reina's rant. She was on her side, curled up by her blanket as she hummed silently under her breath.

"Whoever you are," she shouted out, "I don't like you. Leave me alone."

She heard the door opened despite her shout. She heard someone chuckle and she rolled her eyes when she heard that irritating voice. "You don't like me? Huh. That's new. Every other girl likes me."

"Well I don't," Reina snapped quietly. "What do you want? Did my family send you in here so you could make me talk about my feelings and tell them?"

"Nah," Roger answered, sitting on the bed. He looked at her over his shoulder, placing a hand on her calf as he ran his hand over it. "Just wanted to check up on you because I'm worried about you."

"Wow, you have a heart," Reina mumbled. "Look, Roger... I don't like talking about my feelings. Although as a child my dad made all of us talk to each other about how we felt, I never once spoke about what I was feeling."

"Well, we need to change that don't we?" Roger questioned, standing up. He took off his shoes and when Reina felt the blanket being tugged on, she immediately paid attention to the man.

"What're you doing?" Reina immediately asked.

"What does it look like?" Roger let out a lopsided smild, laying down next to her. "I'm staying of course."

"My dad would have your head if he saw you here," Reina said, turning back around to face the drawer that had a picture of her and each member of the family there. It included The Beatles, The Jacksons, Jimi Hendrix, Diana Ross, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, The Crusaders, and many more. Due to her father being known in the music industry, a lot of people that her dad considered family and close friends, came.

"I actually asked your dad for permission," Roger shrugged.

"You?" Reina furrowed her eyebrows at him. "You asked for permission? I thought I'd never see this day."

"Oh, shut up," Roger said, leaning closer to her so he could flick her forehead.


"Stop exaggerating," Roger snorted, laying on his back as he stared at the ceiling. "Anyway, I saw the letter. I've know you for, how long has it been? Two or three months?"

"I think two?" Reina said with an unsure tone. "Who's counting either way?"

"But yeah, I have known you for two or three months and I know that you don't cry," he spoke in a soft voice. "And that you don't like pity."

"I really don't," she shook her head. "Makes me feel even worse because I feel like people are just silently judging me and calling me a poor thing when I'm not."

"I know babe," Roger sighed. "But, just know that the band and I will never pity you. Your family won't because I have noticed how all of your siblings and father respect each other. You have nothing to worry about. We're here."

"I just hate the fact that I can't say what I'm feeling," Reina groaned, lying down on her back now as she ran her hand through her hair. "Like the words are in there ready to spark out but... I don't know how to explain it. It's just hard."

"Take your time," Roger glanced at her. "Don't feel like you're being forced to talk right now. You can talk to me anytime and I will listen."

"Thanks, Rog."


They both simultaneously turned on their sides, staring at each other, and Reina looked at him.

"Can you turn around?"

"Why can't you turn the other way?" Roger asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl who was staring intensely at him.

"Oh my God Roger we're not doing this right now," Reina groaned before she sighed and looked at him again. "I'll just count to "three" and we both turn."


When Reina reached to the number three, they both turned around in synch. Reina sighed again, as did Roger. They both sat up.

"Sleeping butt to butt just feels too awkward," Roger said. Reina snorted.

"Please," she started, "I bet you you've slept worse with one of your girls that you bring and leave."

"It just feels too awkward because we've never slept in a bed together!"

"Fine," Reina looked done judging by the annoyed expression on her face. "What do you want then?"

"You sleep this way and I'll sleep the opposite way," Roger instructed as he got on his knees and his head was next to Reina's feet as her head was next to his own.

They laid in silence for a while before she turned on her side and was faced with Roger's feet.

"I can't sleep next to your feet," Reina commented.

"What do you want then?"

Before they knew it, the next morning they were found in an oddly position by Rain and Brian. Reina was sleeping with the blanket by her chin as Roger had his arms around her waist as his cheek was pressed against her stomach.

"Well what a sight."



mvltiverse you probably
know where the sleeping
position scene is from.
hopefully you do know.

but anyway, it's two in the
morning and i have to wake
up in four hours. :)

THE CHEATERS LOVERS. ❪ 𝘙𝘖𝘎𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘖𝘙. ❫Where stories live. Discover now