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(𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓.) 𝖘𝖔... 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖉

 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖉

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It was the next day of meeting Reina's godfather and the band was still in shock at the fact that Paul McCartney was her godfather.

The siblings were all sitting down, talking with the band as Omarr and Paul were in the kitchen, discussing something that they couldn't quite hear. They were laughing and listening very closely to whatever one had to say while Rain read their lips and nodded along with anything.

"Reina, can we talk to you?"

Reina looked at her father and godfather, nodding as her hand was held by Roger. They both didn't realize that their hands were holding each other until Roger felt coldness in his hand and immediately grabbed her hand. But, when he realized that it was her hand giving him warmth, he immediately let go as well.

Reina headed towards the kitchen as Roger looked at the Janes. They were all staring at him and he raised an eyebrow at them.

"What?" He questioned, taking a sip of his beer.

"I saw that," Rain signed, smirking at Roger. He averted his eyes from hers, looking out the window while he drank more of his beer.

"We all saw that," Rene teased, smiling at the man as his blue eyes raked over Roger's face.

"If you guys are trying to hint something," Roger started, putting down his beer. "I'm not getting it."

Everybody sighed in unison as Rain facepalmed.

Reina stood in front of her father and godfather, noticing the way her father's eyes became blurred with tears. Paul was patting his shoulder, encouraging him by doing so.

"We received a letter," Omarr started, clearing his throat as Reina looked down at his hand where he held an envelope. "I got it from a woman that said it was from your mom."

Reina's breath hitched in her throat at the mention of her mother. "Why are you telling me this? All of us need to read this."

"She wrote it for you, darling," Paul softly said. Reina looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, glancing at at her dad and then glancing at the envelope that her dad was giving her.

Reina sighed, taking the envelope as she opened it. She rolled her eyes when she saw cursive handwriting.


It's been so long since I have seen you. You're probably 22 by now and I feel so old thinking about how much I've missed.

I've heard from friends that you have become an exact replica of your father. I've heard that you have become this stoic, emotionless person and I'm ashamed that you have done so.

THE CHEATERS LOVERS. ❪ 𝘙𝘖𝘎𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘖𝘙. ❫Where stories live. Discover now