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( 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓. ) 𝖔𝖍 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖔𝖋𝖋 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚?

 ) 𝖔𝖍 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖔𝖋𝖋 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚?

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"So, you don't like the girl your father went on a date with?"

Reina sipped on her chocolate milk that Roger got her. She was currently sitting next to his side as his arm was draped over her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. The Janes were sharing their thoughts based on the girl their father was going to go see. Rene was with his 10-year-old son and his other 8-year-old son as the adults continued talking.

"She's a year younger than me!" Reina exclaimed, almost dropping her drink on herself and on Roger. "I asked Shrimp yesterday and he told me she's 21."

"Dad's 59," Ryver added.

"We're not one to judge about the age difference," Rene said, looking up from playing with his kids, "But it's the fact that 1.) Dad is still married to Mom and they should both know that they're not divorced. 2.) The girl gives vibes none of us like. 3.) She literally told Dad to take her to this expensive restaurant and if he takes her to a restaurant that's not expensive enough, she will not go out with him."

"So, she's a gold digger?"


"You okay, Rei?" Roger questioned in Reina's ear. She snapped out of her thoughts, letting out a questionable hum. "I asked if you're okay?"

"It's almost gonna be 12 am," Reina sighed. "Dad said he'll be back before 12 am. But... Never mind. He's a grown man. He is. He can come to whatever time he wants to come back at. I should stop acting like a child."

"You're just caring for your dad," Roger said, looking down at her as she looked down at her lap and played with the rings on her fingers. Roger grabbed her hand and she then played with the rings on his fingers. She nodded to his words, breathing out a big sigh as their conversation went from their father to funny moments in their lives. Everyone else then joined in to their conversation.

"I fell on my crush while we were playing sports and she ended up hitting my groin. I tried to ignore the pain but I let out a groan and she thought I did that noise because she thought I thought that she was fat. She slapped me and nothing happened after," Robin chuckled, sipping from his water.

"Ooh," the boys winced in pain.

The girls were minding their own business. Rene's wife and Ryver's girlfriend decided to tag along and they were just talking about anything.

"Auntie Rei, how do you sign how are you?" Rene's 10-year-old son, Royal, asked Reina as he sat on her side. Reina answered by demonstrating him. He turned to face Rain, catching her attention. He signed, glancing at Reina who was helping him. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Royal," Rain beamed, signing. "Thanks for asking."

"What did she say?" Royal whispered to Reina.

"She's fine," Reina answered, "She also thanks you for asking."

Royal smiled at his aunts before he went back to playing with his 8-year-old brother, Romeo. Reina smiled at Rain who was beaming with excitement. The women and the men talked some more in their groups before it hit 2 am and the kids fell asleep and only Robin seemed to be the drunk one.

"Yeah, exactly!"

Their laughter was cut off by someone opening the locked door, laughter heard from behind it. The siblings rolled their eyes as their father came in, drunk and with the girl he went on a date with.

"Wooh!" Omarr dad laughed before he came face to face with his children. He grinned. "My beautiful children!"

Reina recognized a smell.

"I know that smell..." she said, sniffing. "You smoked fucking weed didn't you?"

"What?" Her dad chuckled, not taking off his sunglasses. "Of course I didn't. You know how I don't like smoking that shit."

"Take off your sunglasses Dad," Rene stepped in, hearing Reina tell his wife to take the kids to her room.

"You're my son," Omarr kept chuckling. "You can't tell me what to do."

"I can if it involves something like that," Ryver stepped in, standing next to his brother. Robin, from behind, turned to look at Brian.

"Take Rain outside," Robin instructed, slurring his words a bit. "I don't want her to be here for this."


Brian did as he was told and Deaky and Freddie followed after. Roger stayed with Reina, standing next to her as she looked at the girl who was snickering in the back.

But before Rain could leave, she turned to face the siblings and pointed at the girl. "Fucking bitch."

The siblings coughed to cover up their laughs, their father glaring at them.

"You can leave now," Reina told the girl, smiling sarcastically as Robin did so as well. "You know your way out."

"Omarr, look how they're treating me," the girl sighed sadly, resting her head on Omarr's shoulder. The father glared at his 4 kids.

"Oh, fuck off will you?" Reina glared next.


"No, Dad," Robin said, sticking his hand out. "She needs to leave."

"Well, I want her to stay."

"This is my house," Reina crossed his arms. "So, I'm demanding you to leave." Reina headed towards the girl, turning her around by the shoulders and leading her towards the door. Omarr tried to stop her but Reina elbowed him in the stomach accidentally.

When the girl left, Reina turned to face her dad.

"You're—" Reina started before she closed her eyes tightly and opened them, breathing in. "You've disappointed us all."

"It's my life, guys," Omarr chuckled. "You can't tell me what to do or what not to do. I'm older than all of you and I'm your father."

"We know that," Rene said. "But when it involves a girl similar to mom, that's when we step in."

"I can take care of myself."

"You were gonna date that girl, Dad," Ryver sighed. "You were gonna let her walk over you like Mom did. She's a fucking gold digger."

"I don't need to listen to this," Omarr said, opening the door. "I'm gonna find that girl."

"Her or us Dad?" Robin looked at Omarr. "Her or your family?"

Reina almost slapped her older brother in the back of his head for asking that. But Roger grabbed her waist and backed away.

Reina felt her heart stop as soon as she saw her dad step out of house, and as soon as he was about to close the door, Omarr heard Reina say something that made his eyes shut close.

"You're just as worst as Mom."

THE CHEATERS LOVERS. ❪ 𝘙𝘖𝘎𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘖𝘙. ❫Where stories live. Discover now