Chapter 68 - Rose

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It was déjà vu. The twisted, reverted type. Like past events were replaying themselves, but in a different dimension. A brighter one, a happier one.

It had been two weeks since my last contact with Natia. I had kind of assumed that any more contact between us was unwanted on her part; that she was happy to remain immersed in whatever adventure she'd found herself in. I had to keep telling myself that: this is what she needed. And as long as she was healing, as long as she was moving towards a better life, I should feel happy about it, no matter how far away she was. I reminded myself that this is probably how everyone had felt about me leaving for Russia - not that I'd had much else on my mind besides finding Dimitri. History, it seemed, repeated itself, in different people, and in different places.

So you can imagine my total surprise when a midnight-black horse came galloping towards the Moroi gates, carrying a sunburnt, raggedly-dressed female rider. I almost didn't recognise her. She'd become a new person, what with the toasted, frayed skin, the light, earthy clothing, the lazily tied back hair...and most of all, the bright, glittering look in her eyes.

In other ways, she wasn't so different at all. She still had that haggard, capable look about her. She still carried herself with that superior air...I realised this wasn't what Natia had been like, at all. This is what Natia should always have been. The return of her healthy, muscular body confirmed it. She was no longer half woman, half ghost. She was solidly, candidly, dhampir - as alive as the rest of us.

I tore off towards the gates, excitement pounding in me like drums at a parade. 'Let her in!' I called towards the guards.

They gave me a bewildered look, not recognising the rider. 'Let her in!' I repeated, beaming at their confused faces. 'It's guardian Thanatia!'

The guards looked at each other, not nearly as affected by the news as I was, but they parted the gates anyway, allowing the giant horse to trot inside, its owner gazing down at me with ardent fondness.

'Rose,' Natia breathed, urging Shadow to pause by my side. A low murmur could be heard around us - people were acknowledging her return.

'Holy shit - is that Natia?' someone yelled, catching her attention. She looked up with a rueful expression as Trey came jogging in our direction.

'Huh, look who's coming,' she greeted him, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. 'If it isn't my favourite student.'

'Hey!' I protested, playing along. 'Thought I was your favourite?'

Trey flashed me a self-satisfied, winner's smile. 'You wish, Rose.'

'That's guardian Hathaway to you, kid,' I warned, laughingly.

By this time people were beginning to gather around the scene, reminding me of the last time this had happened. Instead, the looks of worry and defeat were now replaced by curiosity and wonder. Mia, who I'd been supposed to meet at a café before the interruption, approached the masses cautiously, her eyes searching for me. She smiled brightly when she reached the centre of the circle, teasing Natia about how human and normal she looked.

The rumour began to spread. More people spilled out of the Court buildings to see what the fuss was about. I spotted Dimitri, accompanied by Mikhail, a halting Ambrose, and more of our friends trailing behind. The hope on Dimitri's face made a warm feeling spread through my chest - finally, I had all my favourite people near me.

Before turning my attention back to Natia - she was assuring everyone that she was well, that all was fine - I caught a last flicker of gold by the Court.

Way back from everyone, Casimir stood leaning against the Court wall, his face hidden in the shade caused by the head of a lamppost. His body was relaxed, casual, but I could imagine the dark intensity burning in his eyes. I could immediately tell that he kept his distance to allow Natia this moment of raw, unfiltered happiness. He didn't want to intrude upon that scene with the anxiety and tension his presence no doubt would cause her.

Or would it? I guess eventually, they'd both find out. 

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