Chapter 15

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"Oh god," I mumble, getting up off of the floor with shaky hands. Of course, I had to trip over something. Just like I had said.

"Lacie! Are you okay?" Delilah asks me. I hear her giggling quietly. I smile, meeting her eyes and nodding.

"I'm good. I'm so sorry. I get distracted super easily and I swear I was paying attention, the cord just blended in-"

"It's fine, you didn't knock anything over." I hear Macy call and breathe a sigh of relief. We continue toward wherever we're going. We reach a huge area in the back of the room. It's littered with countless clothing racks, plastic containers, and shelves.

Right, we were going to the wardrobe.


"Well, that was fun," I chirp happily as Delilah and I walk out of the studio. My face is covered in extravagant makeup, and my braided up-do is coated in a layer of hairspray.

"I know! You did so well." Delilah tells me, her face shimmering with the amount of makeup she also has on. We probably look a little odd, considering that we're wearing leggings and sweatshirts but have tons of makeup on. This is all credit to Macy for wanting to make us look like fairies, covering our faces with lots of color and glitter.

"Really? I felt like I was being awkward. You're so photogenic," I say, and she shakes her head with a huge grin on her face. Having a chance to see what a glimpse of modeling seemed like was such a cool experience. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always loved dressing up and making myself feel pretty more so than the other girls I was friends with.

"No, you're the photogenic one! I mean, it's always awkward at first, being in front of a camera and all, but you were really feeling it. It took me a while to get used to naturally posing for a camera too." Delilah explains as we approach her car.

"Hmm. I was always pretty photogenic I guess, up until I was like, 12 and then I got super insecure."

"As most 12 year old girls do. I guess that past side came out to play again." Delilah giggles.

"I guess so," I shoot her a smirk, opening her car door and settling into the passenger side. "So, what are we doing now?"

"We are..." She hums, turning on the car and booking it out of the parking lot. "Now we're going to the store to get some hair dye for me."

"Sounds good." I nod. About 10 minutes later, Delilah and I are looking through the endless aisles of colored hair dye. I guess it makes sense for a hair salon/store to be close to a modeling studio.

"What about this one?" She asks, holding a medium sized box of vibrant pink hair dye up to her neck. I examine the box and her hair closely, trying to merge the two colors together so I can see what they'd look like.

"Your hair is darker brown, so pink would be super vibey. I say go with it."

"We just got here though!" Delilah huffs, placing the box in our small, bright yellow basket and walking down the aisle some more. I don't miss her teasing smile when she turns to face the other direction. Picking up the first color I see, which is a bright red, I shake the box to get Delilah's attention. She spins around locking eyes with me before turning her gaze to the box I'm holding. She thinks for a moment, biting her lip, seeming to visualize the colors in her mind.

"Okay! Let's stick to warm colors then, I feel like I'm liking those the most." She exclaims. I shrug my shoulder and set the red dye into the basket.

After almost an hour of rummaging through countless colors and buying a few hair products and accessories, Delilah and I are standing in her white marble bathroom. We have about six colors in front of us, accompanying a few bags of other random hair stuff we got. There's a dark pink, a light pink, red, dark orange, magenta, and dark blue. She wanted to grab at least one or two cool colors just in case. Looking at all the colors makes me shiver a little. I remember being in middle school and the beginning of high school, standing in my friends' bathrooms, watching them kill their hair with crazy colors. They always insisted on doing it themselves, which would end up with dyed skin, counters, and towels everywhere. Not to mention the times when their hair needed serious re-dos. I was never really into the whole dyed hair trend. I've always been happy and comfortable with my natural hair color. I recently lightened my hair up some, but I don't think I'd really want to do anything super drastic. How humble of me, I know.

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