My Songwriting Nemesis

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I write music.

But I don't feel comfortable linking my Wattpad to my Real Life Music Business yet, because I'm putting a lot of crap on here that I don't want my fans to know.

Like, for example, this complaint about a fan.

I know what you're thinking. Fans are like family. You should love them and treat them with respect. And even if they know the lyrics to all of your songs backward, have a printed-out poster of you that they practice kissing on, and have your logo tattooed to their upper left arm, I should still love them and respect them.

That's the thing, though. This person isn't like that. Sure, he listens to my music. But I think he does so while crying himself to sleep. And I bet that he has my face printed out in his room, and he drew devil horns and a mustache on it, and uses it for dart practice (I hope it's just darts and not something like knives, or guns).

(At least California is really far away from me).

I've known this kid for about a year, now. And he has been a thorn in my side for as long as I've known him.

It started with simple jealousy. I was a lousy songwriter and he was really good at making simple, repetitive, redundant, repetitive beats. I kept praising his work and asking how he did stuff. A month after I started producing, I made a listenable beat that sounded a lot like one of his. Instead of being like "wow, you were inspired by me? I feel so honored!" he was like, "hmm, this sounds a LOT like something I wrote...are you really all that original after all?"

About eight months into producing, I became significantly better than him. He was still producing the same repetitive beats--and still does--and I was making captivating, dynamic bangers of various sorts. (My fingers wanted me to write bangerz, but I didn't write that, yet).

We worked together on songs back then. He started spamming our chat with things about how I was a piece of shit, and I would "never be better than him because at some point I would be confused." Even though he wasn't very good at cyberbullying, he was consistent. I tried to call him out on it, and it didn't work.

Eventually, the app that we used to collaborate shut down, and I looked forward to cutting ties with him.


He followed me on all my socials except Instagram. And he comments on EVERY SINGLE SONG that I publish. He always starts with some form of "Well, this sucks."

Examples: I mashed up two songs, and he complained that they weren't in the same key. I couldn't even tell that they were in different keys until I looked it up because the vocals of one are a chanting type of vocal, and the other has, like, one chord throughout the entire song. So he actually had to go to the internet to find ONE THING wrong with my song, and then post it to the internet.

I remixed a song that I had written with my mother, who thinks she's a good songwriter, and yes, Mom, I agree, you are a wonderful songwriter, and it's so great that you stopped by my untraceable Wattpad account that I made untraceable so that people that I know IRL CANNOT find it....anyway, he started with "This is not as good as what you normally do." When I asked him why, he went on to say that he hated the vocals, the sound design, the jarring saw chords, the confusing buildup, the tempo change at the drop, the brass chords--that is, the entirety of the song. But he still didn't say WHY any of this was bad, or what I could have done to fix it. He just attached miscellaneous negative adjectives to every part of my song.

Even on the song that he liked, he had to start with "Who does DnB at 180BPM?" to which I replied, "Everyone," because that's the definition of DnB.

By reading this, you probably think my songs are pieces of shit. I assure you, they are not. I put a lot of effort into making a quality product. I wouldn't think the person was such an imbecile who was out to pick fights if what he said was true.

He's also eleven. For some reason, all my friends find that really funny.

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