I Hate Food

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I have a tiny problem.

I eat so little food that I am constantly tired a bit vitamin-deficient, and often hungry.

Why is that? you wonder. Is it because you have too little money? Is it self harm? Is it an eating disorder?

No. I don't eat because I'm not creative.

I will be quite hungry and make my way to the fridge. But once I breach its metal exterior and stare down the contents, I find a lot of scattered, miscellaneous foodlings, like words that I don't know how to organize into a paragraph. So, instead of taking the time to learn how to assemble them into something edible, I think of all the other things I could do with my time. Then, I leave, without having taken a single bite.

It's a lot harder to come up with something when I'm gluten-free; all the healthy foods are without calories, for bread was where I got most of my sustenance before I decided to not lay seige to my immune system. And all the unhealthy foods give me zits.

As a vain person, being so un-creative in the food department sucks. If I don't eat enough, my face looks sunken. If I make myself feel full, it is with unhealthy things that give me acne. Gluten causes problems.

Right now, I am very mad at food.

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