you make me sick (for being so stupid)

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Miley Cyrus's music video for "Mother's Daughter" came out!!!

Honestly, I love that song. It sounds like a mix between "Robot" (my favorite song ever) and "Liberty Walk" (which is tied with "Wrecking Ball" and "Permanent December" for my 4th-favorite Miley songs). It's so much fun to sing, too; I only have to push my range at the "back up boy" part.

So I watched the music video, and it was amazing. Miley went and made me question my morals yet again, with bold statements like: Virginity is a social construct. The fact that she isn't wearing a bra. Sin is in your eyes. It made me think about a lot of stuff in a different way.

Like, this idea where people think Miley is awful because she swung naked on a wrecking ball. When really, it was just an artistic rendering of how hurt she was, and how vulnerable she was, that she stripped down naked. When it comes down to it, everyone has a reason for doing stuff, and most people who say it's a sin are just stupid.

And this value that people have over virginity. What does it matter that you pleased yourself? Why is it so bad to do something that your body is made to enjoy? If you're gay, like me, then there's the added benefit of not making accidental children at sixteen. So there's literally nothing wrong with sex.

Sometimes I spend too much time on Wattpad and forget about all the hate that's in the world. I'm kind of in a bubble of love, in my situation. I live in a house where my parents are gay, so the only thing I had to come out about was the fact that I watched all four seasons of Hannah Montana and the movie and loved every second of it. I go to an early college, so the people I'm surrounded with are diverse, kind, hardworking,  nerdy, and accepting. Then I spend time reading Camren fics on Wattpad, where I'm surrounded by Harmonizers, which in my opinion are tied with Phans for the best fandom. Most of the time, we just reply to something an author said by quoting a song, and the rest of us finish the song in the comments. We're the woodland pixies of the internet, surrounding our shrines (fanfics) and singing odes (song lyric comments) to the gods (5H).

I'm starting to understand why fictional-Lauren from take a picture of all my flaws was so mad at Camila in Chapter 9 (by the way, please update!). For most people, fans aren't that great.

Why do I think this? Because after pondering the powerful message of Miley's new masterpiece, I scrolled down to the comments. 

I know, I shouldn't have expected kindness. Being a Smiler myself (that's the fan name for Miley Cyrus), I expected other Smilers to be like me: open-minded, feminist, and sort-of-in-love with Miley (even though she's married; I say that I'm crushing on 2010 Miley to get away with it). But it appears that the Russian trolls saw the Democratic Debates and emerged from their caves to plant hate in the armpits of the world's leaders and watch it spread to their faces.

The comments were filled with people saying that she sinned. Someone who thought they were clever called her a witch. (Um, yeah, did you not hear the lyrics, where she says "I'm a witch / hallelujah," and then the screen flashes Sin is in your eyes?) Someone said it was disgusting, how she was representing and empowering minorities. Someone said that they related to one of her lyrics, and someone else said it was cringey how they said that and that they should just shut up! I, of course, replied with a ^don't fuck with their freedom. Someone said it was disgusting how she represented herself in a sexual nature (judging by the video, it was her saying that 1. being sexual is perfectly fine, and 2. stardom isn't perfect and shiny, but real and ugly and twisted, and that's fine), and then went on to blame the "crazy leftists" for it. As one such "crazy leftist," who is friends with a lot of "crazy leftists," I must say that if I had anything to do with the creation of Miley's video, I would be really proud. But I didn't make that video, so stop giving me credit where I don't deserve it!

Where the fuck do these people even come from? Like, it's Miley Cyrus. I love her, but she's so 2013. I don't think I've met anyone with more haters. Maybe Nicki Minaj, at this point, or Justin Bieber when he was twelve. But the amount of hate that our lovely feminist and Disney star gets is revolting. How can someone watch her stand up for equal rights and take bullets for the rest of the world without being overcome with awe? And more importantly, can't these haters go back to their ranches, scooping horse shit and jacking off to Donald Trump speeches? I'd much rather see these people commenting on those Donald Trump Sings BTS videos than Miley's amazing empowerment videos.

It makes me physically ill to see all these people being so stupid and prejudiced, on my idol's music videos. I don't understand why the world can't be filled with kind people like there are on Wattpad. I prefer the I showed this to my grass, now it's weed comments to these awful and misogynistic words that litter the base of this visual monument.

Can my fellow Harmonizers go comment on "Mother's Daughter?" Miley gives everyone so much love, and it's only fair that we send some back to her.

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