Dubliners - Eveline Rewrite

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I finished reading Eveline, a short story from Dubliners, and decided that she needed a happy ending, where they actually loved each other. So here it is, from Frank's POV.

She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne. She was tired.

At least, that's what Frank feared as he rounded the corner and sighted his girlfriend--no, fiance--in the window. Her normally-bright green eyes seemed gray as they traced the path of a man nearing the newer development down the street. Knowing Evvy, the girl was probably thinking about her childhood and all the things she'd lost.

Frank knew that Eveline had problems. Between her abusive father and enabling brother, she'd spent her life giving and giving. He could still recall their first encounter, when he had stood at the gate of his new house, about to race to the Stores for an emergency dose of Easter eggs. She had offered to walk him there and directed him to the item, all while charming him with her selflessness and playful courting. Since then, Frank had come to realize that his fiance was naturally selfless, to the point where she did some really stupid stuff to please others.

They were leaving for Buenos Ayres, Frank's hometown, but he knew Eveline would have some trouble. Frank himself was a little apprehensive, but his excitement at starting a new life with the girl he loved overrode that.

Bent on surprising the girl, he climbed the rafter to obscure her vision through the window. Upon casting his shadow over Eveline, the girl startled and fell out of her chair. At the sight of his fiance on the floor, Frank laughed and mouthed:

-Can I come in?

She nodded, eyes wide as she lifted the window open. Frank eased himself in, gazing about the room. A yellowing photograph of a priest, lots of dust, and lots of brown. He couldn't wait to bring her to his bright and tropical hometown.

-Oh, Frank, I don't know if I can do this.

She went on to describe her fears of leaving. What if Harry grew lonely? She couldn't leave him with her father. And her father needed someone to get the groceries, even if she had to fight him for the money and endure his comments. Besides, their time wasn't half-bad. They had gone to the Hill of Howth once, and he had worn her mother's bonnet to make them laugh.

Frank wrapped his girl in a hug, breathing in her scent, still distinctive and slightly dizzying through the dusty atmosphere that always shrouded Dublin. She always seemed to him a star shining through the thick clouds of Dublin, and he wished she could see what he saw. How her eyes would light up with fascination as he spoke to her about his time overseas. She wanted it, damn it! Why couldn't she see?

Instead of telling her this, he whispered soft words of encouragement. He described leaves so green that it made Irish eyes look dull, and a sun that shone so brightly that it burned the clouds away. He described how they would dance to the sound of trumpets and drums, and how they would breathe in air without the stench of alcoholism.

After some time, she broke his comforting murmurs.

-Frank, I promised my mother that I would stay. I need to keep the family together. For her.

Frank pulled away, tracing a rough hand down her smooth cheek, pushing a red strand of hair out of her green eyes.

-Evvy, you don't need to do anything. Follow your heart, babe. You have done so much. You deserve this. Now, are you ready?

Eveline nodded, her bottom lip quivering. To stabilize it, Frank pulled her into a soft kiss.

-It's all going to be fine. Just relax.

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