Falling in love with a straight girl

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Do you know how much it hurts?

Do you know how painful it is to see you every day

and not be able to do a thing?

To watch you laugh with your friends

and not tell you how your smile makes me light up inside?

and not tell you how your eyes sparkle in any lighting?

and not tell you how beautiful you are?

Do you know how much it hurts?

To see your chameleon eyes every time you look at me

stormy-turbulent with frustration?

or dread-pale?

or when you don't look at me,

Ocean-blue with joy?

and to wish you looked like that

when you looked at me

and not like this?

How painful it is to see you every day

and only see the hurt that I cause you?

and only see your need to be far  -    far   -    far away from me?

and never see the smile that I can't hold back when I see you?

and never see the laughter that you bring to me?

and never see the hope in your eyes?

How painful it is to know that




made you feel this way?

To know that I can never kiss you

I can never feel your silky-soft lips against mine

I can never rest my arms on your shoulders

I can never stare into your eyes

I can never tell you how I feel.

How painful it is to know

that it's better this way

that it's better that I hurt

than that you hurt

because if you are hurting

because of me

then all of this was in vain.

Then every emotion I felt

then every compliment I held back

then every glance in your direction

then every butterfly in my stomach

then every blush

then every daydream

then every want

then every desire I ever felt...

All it did was hurt you.

That I gave you the greatest gift of all





and it turned out to be the greatest sin of all.

That you hate me for what I am and I cannot change that.

That nothing I do will make you love me like I do.

And that every attempt will make you hate me more.

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