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a few days have passed and dele and zara have been texting non stop

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a few days have passed and dele and zara have been texting non stop. well when she's not working and he's not at the gym or training.

zara is currently in the break room as it's currently break time at the school.

dele: i can't wait for tonight

zara: me too

zara: do i need to bring anything?

dele: just that beautiful face of yours

zara smiles at the last text which her colleague notices and raises their eyebrow.

'so who have you been texting?' asks serena looking at her.

'just a friend.' says zara with a shrug.

'oh yeah just a friend, as if i'm going to believe that. with a smile like that, that just says it all.' says peter suddenly, sitting down next to her.

'what's his name?' asks serena sitting on the other side of her.

'dele.' says zara.

'dele?' says peter.

'yes dele.'

'reminds me of dele alli, the footballer.'

'well i can guarantee you it's not dele alli, the footballer.' says zara laughing slightly.

she's not going to tell them that it is dele alli. she knows what her colleagues are like and she wants to keep dele's identity a secret. and if it goes around that one of the employees from this school is seeing dele alli, she doesn't want anyone creating rumours.

'so when are you seeing him next?' asks serena.

'tonight actually, i'm going over to his house and we're just going to hang out.'

'oh yeah, "hang out".' says peter using his hands as quotation marks while saying hang out.

'we are! he's not like that. he's not trying to sleep with me. he's just a genuinely nice guy.' says zara looking at both of them before the bell rings.

'tell us that on monday when you wake up in his bed tomorrow morning.'

• •

dele is currently at his house, getting ready before zara comes to his house. they are just going to hang out, dele is going to cook. that's something that not many people know about dele, he loves cooking and he's actually pretty good at it.

he really likes zara, she's funny kind and easy to talk to. she doesn't treat him differently because he's rich or because he's a famous footballer. she just sees him as him dele, a human being.

he is slowly getting feelings for her but he's trying to push them back, he knows she wouldn't go for him. she is way out of his league.

about ten minutes later, zara knocks on dele's front door. she feels slightly out of place as his house is about five times bigger than her entire apartment.

'hey.' she says with a smile as dele opens the front door.

'wow zara you look -' says dele in shock at zara stood in front of him.

'what this old thing? you said casual so i did!' she says looking down at her outfit.

her outfit is a red off the shoulder blouse white jeans and black heels. she is also wearing red lipstick to match.

she makes everything look good, thought dele.

'dele?' says zara looking at him, snapping her out of his thoughts.

'yeah, sorry right come on in.' he says blinking and letting her walk inside.

she walks inside, her heels clinking on the marble floors as she looks around his mansion.

'so this is what a hundred thousand a week looks like huh? how many bedrooms are there?' she says looking at him.

'five.' he says with a shrug. despite being a multi millionaire, dele has never been a snob. he tries to stay as humble and down to earth as possible, he's always doing philanthropy work.

'five? looks like there's room for me to stay over then.' she says with a wink.

'you can stay whenever and for long as you want.'

'dele i was joking, this is your house, it's like a mansion. you wouldn't want someone like me staying here.'

'what do you mean someone like you?'

'someone who works at a school. someone who drives a second hand car and buys her clothes from primark. you're probably used to dior wearing mercedes driving beautiful models.'

'hey what are you on about zara? you're worth more than any supermodel out there. you are one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen. you're smart kind funny smart humble did i mention beautiful? money isn't a personality trait. why would i pick someone some who show off clothes for a living over someone who actually helps kids?'

'not only that but you also treat me as a human being, not this kind of money machine.' says dele looking at her.

zara just looks at him, slightly in shock. she wasn't expecting him to say something so nice about her. dele just looks at him, wondering if what he had just said was too much and how she's going to react. she just walks over to him and wraps her arms around him which takes him slightly by surprise. he wasn't even trying to say a big speech about her, he was just being truthful.

'that's one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me.' she says quietly as he wraps his around her, resting his chin on the top of her head. even though zara isn't that short, dele still towers over her.

'now don't compare yourself to anyone again okay?' he says.

'i won't.'



okay??? are dele and zara going too fast or is it going okay? i don't want them to be going too fast as it's unrealistic.

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