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'you broke up?' asks kate as they sit inside a coffee shop

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'you broke up?' asks kate as they sit inside a coffee shop.

'well not exactly. i mean we weren't officially together.'

'yeah but you practically were together even if you didn't use the exact labels "boyfriend" and "girlfriend. and what happened?'

'well it weird, as you know i was covering for my colleague and while they were talking they started talking about dele. i didn't think anything of it at first you know, i mean we're in that area, talking about a spurs player isn't abnormal. then they eventually started talking about dele coming to the school and which teacher he was seeing. they guessed me because i'm one of the youngest staff members at the school.'

'i don't know, just something about that triggered it for me. it made me think about what dele's lifestyle is like, you know, of course, the media and everything. i don't want to be known as "dele alli's girlfriend" in the press. i want to be unknown but still dating dele. i tried talking to him about it but he didn't understand.'

'he tried giving me this bullshit speech about how he's adapted to my lifestyle how now it's my turn. it really pissed me off the way he was being, he was being an utter asshole. he really thought leaving his multi million dollar mansion for a tiny flat was "adapting to my lifestyle." says zara sighing before taking a sip of her drink.

'i'll get harry to talk to him about it. or maybe i'll try and get him to invite dele around so i can talk to him about it. completely understand what you're going through, when i'm by myself walking the dogs or something i'm fine but as soon as i step out with harry? suddenly i got people taking pics of me and harry's in the press for eating an ice cream at the park. i know our situations are similar but so different.'

'you see dele has always dated people that are known from instagram or someone from a reality show. he doesn't really know what a change it would be for you. because we both know you really want to be with him. i've known you both for years, i've seen dele date people and i've seen you date people. but i've never seen you as happy as you are when you're together.'

'you can't just give up on him like that zara. i know it's different for you but trust me harry and i will try and talk to him okay?'

'okay. gosh i hate it when you're right.'

'i'm always right!'

• •

'why the hell did you say that?' says eric pausing the playstation and looking at dele suddenly.

'i don't know, i just wasn't thinking and it just kinda came out of my mouth. i didn't mean it of course, i was just being a prick.' says dele sighing, putting his controller on the coffee table.

'have you spoken to her since?'


'then what are you playing at you dickhead! get your phone out and text her now. apologise and then invite her over to talk or whatever.'

'invite her over here?'

'no at your place you idiot. you both need to sit down and talk your problems out, if you both lash out at each other every time you disagree on something you're never going to work out. communication is key to make a relationship work.'

'since when did you get some knowledgeable about relationships?'

'because you've never bothered asking for advice before.'

dele gets his phone out of his pocket before opening up his conversation with zara and starts typing away.

dele: hey z, i know you probably hate me and/or want to punch me in the face but can we please talk? we need to communicate more and i need to be more understanding. i love you zara and i don't want my stupidity to ruin what we have.

'you really dropped the l word huh?' says eric reading over his shoulder.

'fuck off mate.'

'you're so whipped i don't even know you anymore.' says eric laughing while dele rolls his eyes.

• •

zara is sat in her living room, catching up with narcos when suddenly her phone dings. she picks it up and is surprised to see a text from dele, she's even more surprised by the ending.

zara: yes we definitely need to talk. the way you acted really pissed me off dele, i hope you know that. we need to communicate more, try and talk calmly with each other instead of getting pissy with each other so quickly. i want us to work dele but not like this.

zara: and you love me? do you really mean that?

zara is slightly confused by dele, she wonders if he's saying that just to win her back or he really means it. she looks at her phone watching dele the three bubbles pop up meaning dele's typing when suddenly the doorbell rings. she lets go of her phone and goes to the front door and opens it revealing dele standing there.

'i meant every single word.'

short and shitty part because i'm busy as hell atm because i moved to england and yeah

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