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three years later.

it's the day of harry and kate's wedding. as harry stands nervously at the front with his best man, dele has a look around at the crowd of people who are patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin. that's when they both notice each other and smile at one another. two people that once shared a story now at their friends wedding as their story continues.

after the ceremony, dele looks around the room for her and eventually finds her. he introduces her, to his fiancée, naomi to whom he's been engaged to for six months now. but he doesn't introduce zara as his ex, only as his friend.

he finds out that margot is currently single, her "relationship" with harry didn't work out so she's been single for nearly two years now. she truly is happy for dele even though the way he looks at naomi brings back so many memories.

he used to look at me like that, she thought.

naomi gushes over zara's beauty as dele just stands there and agrees. even though he loves naomi, he's not going to lie about how beautiful zara still is.

'i can't believe you're single zara, you are stunning!'

'yeah, i'm just having a break from dating and all that. i did have someone extremely special but i was being an idiot and made them go away.' she says quickly looking at dele which he notices.

dele and naomi leave zara politely as they go and talk to other people as zara stays there alone. she watches them from a distance, laughing with other people, smiling at each other as he wraps his arm around her waist.

even after all the time it took dele to eventually get over her. the fact he had to see harry winks nearly everyday at training or when they played matches. seeing the man that was dating the love of his life completely ruined him. that was until he met naomi who saved him, now dele just thinks about zara being a stepping stone to meeting naomi.

whilst dele is happy, engaged and enjoying life, zara is miserable. she didn't realise what she had until she let it go away.

as some people might say, karma truly is a bitch.

the end.

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