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'so what do you want to do for your birthday cara?' says her dad coming in with a cup of tea

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'so what do you want to do for your birthday cara?' says her dad coming in with a cup of tea.

'nothing really. just spend time with you and mum.' she says carefully taking the mug of out his hands.

'what about dele?'

'what about him?'

'don't you want to spend it with him?'

'i see him all the time, i rarely see you papà.'

'but he is your boyfriend zara.'

'yes and you're my dad. you're always going to be the number one man in my life.'

zara has never been the type interested in birthdays. she wouldn't dare have a massive party with a ton of people she doesn't really know. every time when it approaches she gets more and more uncomfortable with it. everyone always asks her "zara what are you doing for your birthday" "got anything planned for you birthday?"

as zara just said to her dad she would rather spend time with her parents then just relax for the day. she isn't bothered about presents or anything like that. also this year is going to be her first birthday while being in a relationship, knowing dele, he'll want to do something big and special.

'come on zara, i know you don't like doing anything special but why not try it for once? we could have a nice party with your closest friends family and dele of course.'

'sorry papà i just don't want to do anything special.' she says with a shrug while her dad just looks at her sadly.

claudio, her dad, loves zara more than anything. no matter how old they both are, she's always going to be his little girl. they're also going to have this special bond that none of them can explain why it's so special. it's hard for claudio, seeing his little girl grow up. especially now that she's with dele, he feels like he won't need her anymore as she's all loved up and happy with dele. even though he hasn't met him yet, he can tell how happy he makes his daughter.

'are you sure you don't want to do anything for your birthday?' he asks once last time.

'i'm sure.'

• •

dele and eric are currently sat next together in a hot tub after their training session for their match this weekend.

'so you still planning on proposing to zara?' asks eric looking at dele.

eric wants to know the most he can for zara, he knows he shouldn't say anything to zara but he just feel like he needs too. both of them are so young and they haven't been together that long.

'yeah i was thinking on her birthday, you know, as a surprise. i was out the other day and i saw these really beautiful emerald cut diamond ring, it was simple yet stunning.'

'what does she want to do for her birthday?'

'she said she doesn't look celebrating it much, she just likes spending time with her family.'

'so what are you going to do? go out the day before or after for a nice meal then do it that way?'

'that's too traditional and predictable. i want to throw her a surprise party. one of her favourite films is la la land and i was thinking of doing themed around that.'

'right i see.'

that's all eric could say, he knows dele is moving too fast and it's not good for him or zara. but he knows he won't be able to stop him, dele is stubborn and won't listen to anyone.

'you okay eric? you're really quiet for loud mouthed self.'

'yeah fine.'

'come on, i know you're lying. tell me what's wrong.'

eric takes a deep breath, he's going to tell dele who he feels even though he knows he won't listen.'

'well it's about you proposing to zara.' he says and dele just looks at him in surprise.

'what about it?'

'look dele i love you and everything, you're like a brother to me but this whole getting engaged thing, it's stupid. it's probably the most stupid thing you've done next to your sextape that got leaked.'

'but i love her eric.'

'i know you do, i know that and i understand you want her to be yours forever and all that. but you're both so young and got an entire lifetime together. think about it, you're only twenty two do you really want to be married with kids by twenty five? just live your life dele! with zara by your side then you can think about it.'

'and you can talk to her about getting married and all that, i'm pretty sure she has enough on her plate right now, she doesn't need need this too. but it's up to you dele, i'm just saying how i feel and what i think is best for you.'

dele just looks at eric and doesn't say anything.

'dele?' says eric looking at dele before he just decides to get out of the hot tub without saying a word a word to him.

'come on dele say something, you know it's only my opinion, you can do what you want!'

without saying another word, dele just leaves the room leaving eric standing there all alone.

damn ma is it that serious

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