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'baby can i talk to you about something?' asks dele as he sits opposite zara in a café

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'baby can i talk to you about something?' asks dele as he sits opposite zara in a café.

'of course what is it?'

dele takes a deep breath whilst looking at his hands which makes zara look at him in confusion.

'is everything okay dele?'

he wants to tell about the whole bet situation, he knows he was an idiot for even starting it in the first place and he wasn't expecting to actually end up liking her. harry told both winks and dele it was a stupid idea but they didn't listen to him. he has no idea how she's going to react; she's rather going to not care laugh it off, she might get pissed off at dele for a while then let it go or she'll just end everything with dele and never talk to him again.

'what would you say if i did something stupid?'

'oh god what have you done, is one of your exes pregnant, dele i swear to god-'

'no no it's nothing like that. i haven't gotten anyone pregnant or anything. it's just i did this stupid bet with harry. winksy not kane.'

zara doesn't say anything, she just looks at dele with an eyebrow raised.

'we did this bet whether i could get you to go on a date with me.' says dele, his heart beating fast but zara doesn't react.

'is that it?'

'and it was extra points if i could get you to sleep with me.' he says shrugging his shoulders but this time her facial expressions change.

'excuse me? you did a bet about whether you could get to sleep with me? is that all i am to you?'

no of course you're not!' he says grabbing her hands but she just moves her hands away.

'i love you zara, you know i do. it was just a stupid bet between winks and i. we were just being foolish and joking around, i didn't realise that we would end up being so close and together.'

'so you just saw me as an easy target.'

'no of course not! i know what i did was shitty and i'm a fucking idiot. i don't even know why i did it, i never do bets on women or anything. i'm always respectful towards anyone. i'll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me. i love you so much please zara, i don't want to lose you again.'

zara just sits there, thinking about what to say or do. she's glad she found out from dele and that he told her without keeping it from her. even though she's pissed off and slightly disappointed with him, she can't stay mad at him. it happened months ago, you can't just cling to the past all the time. but deep down inside her, she wishes she never found out.

'well dele, i'm glad you told me. i'm pissed off at what you did, of course, but i don't want us to constantly fight. even though i wish you had told me sooner, i'm still glad.'

'does that mean we're good? i don't want to fight or argue like we used to.'

'i've forgiven you yes but i haven't forgotten.'

• •

after spending her lunch break with dele, zara is back working in her office at the school.

while she's typing away on her laptop, someone knocks on the door.

'come in.' she says still focusing on her work, not bothering to look at.

'sorry for bother you zara but i was wondering if i could ask you something?' asks mr gomes, the headteacher.

'oh mister gomes, i didn't realise it was you. i'm so sorry for being ignorant. but ask away!'

'so a little birdie told me your boyfriend is a certain tottenham player?' he asks which makes her raise her eyebrow.

'where's this going?'

'there's a fundraiser happening next month in the playing fields and i was wondering if maybe you could get him to play? i know this sounds really bad of me asking but think about how much money we could raise if a spurs player is here!' he says.

zara was dreading this to happen, people rather judging her or asking her for favours just because of dele. she stills wants to be her own person and doesn't want to attract attention from who her boyfriend is.

'but if you don't want to ask him or anything, that's perfectly understandable. i just wanted to ask you as i know how much you believe in the school.'

'i'll talk to him about it. if it doesn't conflict with any of his training, he'll most likely do it. i'll even ask some of his teammates as well.'

'you would do that?' he asks suddenly looking hopeful, she simply nods.

she has so much faith in this school, even though her dream is to become a writer, she still loves her job. having dele and probably eric harry and maybe a few others come to the school and play a match against some kids or something would raise probably raise thousands for the school. they could buy new equipment and update some classrooms.

'thank you so much, this means more to me then you could ever know.'

'you're very welcome. if it's to help the school, i'm all for it.'

'you're a star, i'm going to talk to the board about giving you a promotion.' he says with a smile before leaving.

zara feels like everything in her life is in place. she's got a small but close set of friends who she trusts with her life. she's enjoying her work. she just feels happy despite the small hiccups here and there. but most importantly, she's finally fallen in love with someone who would do anything for her.

even though they're both so young and hopeless in love, they feel like they've been together for years not months. they don't want to rush into anything but being together is the first thing in their lives that finally makes sense.

anyway shit part but here i am again! tell me what YOU would like to see more in the fanfic,, give me your opinions!
also don't forget to read my eden fanfic bc it's lowkey flopping.

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