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the next day dele and eric walk into training together

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the next day dele and eric walk into training together.

'so how was it?' asks harry winks.

'it went well.'

'yeah she's super nice. she is way too good for dele.' says eric jokingly making dele roll his eyes.

'can't believe you didn't make me meet her earlier mate, she's amazing!' says dele going over to harry kane.

'hey don't go blaming me now, you're the one who's always in a relationship. in my defence, i did tell you about her earlier but you weren't interested. you bumped into her at my house so it's really thanks to me you met her and fell in love with her. so i should be hearing a "thank you harry"?' says harry looking at him.

'no chance of that.'

'have you told her yet?' asks christian quietly. they know harry's fiancée's kate is good friends with zara so they didn't say anything to harry. most of the squad knows except him.

'no i haven't.'

'why not?'

'it just wasn't the wrong time. i need it to be at the right moment in time.'

'the longer you leave it, the worst it'll be when she finds out.'

• •

'hey zara do you think you could look after my year tens after break?' asks serena.'

'me? you want me to look after a class?'

'yes it's just the hospital just called me saying there's been a problem with my dad and i really need to go. they're currently doing group projects about a famous french person and i know you're pretty good at languages. all you need to do is supervise and help them if they need it.'

'i mean i'd love to cover for you but i'm not qualified and i'm only in pastoral care.'

'i've already asked the head teacher and he's okay with it. plus zara i have so much faith in you. everything they're doing is on my desk so you won't be lost.'

'alright i'll do it.'

'thank you so much zara you don't understand how thankful i am for you right now.' says serena quickly grabbing her hand bag.

'don't worry about it, just go and be with your dad. i hope he gets better soon.' says zara smiling slightly before serena leaves.

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