twenty four.

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it's been a few weeks since dele was told to back off from zara

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it's been a few weeks since dele was told to back off from zara. originally he thought just for the night, he didn't think anything of it, but she actually meant temporarily. they've still been talking here and day and seen each other briefly but it's not the same.

he hasn't been bombarding her with texts or calls, he hasn't been going to her house. he's keeping his distance. but he is curious about why she is like this, he is wondering if he's done something wrong? or she just needs a break? but dele can't cope with not being like they used to be. if something's happening to her friends or family, he wants her to know she can talk to him about it.

'i need to know what's going on.' he says to himself.

dele picks up his car keys, puts on his shoes and heads outside into his car. he puts on the radio before driving off towards zara's place.

• •

he eventually arrives to her apartment, walks inside the lobby towards the lift that he gets inside and presses the button towards her floor. he walks down the hallway and knocks on the door, a few moments later the door opens and dele's jaw drops.

'oh dele, wasn't expecting you-'

'harry? what are you doing here?' says dele in shock as harry winks is stood in front of him then he notices zara behind him quickly putting on her t-shirt. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what's going on.

'who is it babe?' she says which takes dele even more by shock.

'babe?' says dele and she suddenly notices him.

'dele i can explain-'

'explain? explain what? the fact you were sleeping with my friend and teammate behind my back? and harry, are you serious?' dele shouts.

'calm down d'

'calm down? calm down! are you for fucking real?'


'no. i don't even want to hear it. i'm just angry at myself for being an idiot and not seeing this earlier. the constant hiding of texts? the excuses of not feeling good.'

'come on-'

'no i'm done. i don't want to listen to it. i'm just sorry i got in the way if you both secretly want to get together, well now you can. because zara, we're done.'

dele doesn't say anything nor listen to them trying to talk to them. he just gets back into the lift, doing his best keeping in his tears before walking out of the lobby and getting back into his car.

as soon as he gets into his car, he bursts into tears.

• •

a couple weeks later

zara is going over to dele's to pick up the last of her stuff. she gets out of her car and walks towards his front door, ringing the doorbell nervously. a couple moments later, dele opens the door with a slight smile on his face.

'hey, come on in.' he says moving out of the way to let her in.

'i've put all your stuff in the box on the table. it's got your clothes make up perfume and just bits and pieces. keep the car by the way. would you like a coffee while you're here?'

zara is taken by surprise at how nice and chill dele is being.

'um sure. i was also wondering if we could talk?' she says scratching her head awkwardly.

'talk about what?' he asks looking at her.

'you know, about what happened.'

'there's nothing to talk about zara.


'no zara. about what happened, i'm sorry. sorry for falling in love with you. every single thing about you. the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you randomly sing lady gaga in the shower, the way your eyes shine in the sun. just seeing you in the crowd, wearing my jersey while cheering me on, you have no idea how much that means to me. plus you looked super hot in my jersey too.'

'i'm sorry i imagined us growing old together, having kids and eventually grandkids. i mean i literally wanted to marry you within weeks of us actually being together. i wanted to wake up next to you every morning and call you my wife then have our kids jump on our bed.'

'you are the love of my life zara ana bianchi. as i'm not obviously not yours, i apologise for whatever did wrong for you to see someone else. but i hope nothing but love and happiness for you, despite everything. you're still an amazing and beautiful woman who deserves the world. even though this is the end of our story, i'm just glad you were part of my life. you made me the happiest man in the world.' he says looking straight into her eyes that have started to tear up.

'dele, i'm so sorry.' she whispers.

'well whatever happens, i hope whoever he is realises he's the luckiest man in the world.'

well that was a plotwist

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